Chance at Purdue, and Early Action?

<p>I'm an OOS Female from Connecticut
Like many others, I'm very regretful of my freshman/sophomore year</p>

<p>I took all college-prep level classes Freshman year
Two Honors classes sophomore year (U.S. History and English)
Two Honors classes junior year (English and Chemistry)
However my senior year schedule is much more rigorous:
AP Statistics
Honors Precalculus
Advanced (AP) Physics
English at the University of Connecticut
Psychology at the University of Connecticut
Microeconomics at the University of Connecticut (2nd semester)</p>

<p>My high school is on UConn campus so we're able to take classes there. My grades are ALL A's and B's. I got straight B's freshman year and a mix sophomore. Junior year I got mostly A's and even an A+ in the college prep classes. I plan on having straight A's senior year.</p>

<p>My gpa is 3.57/5 and I'm very very very concerned about this... not taking any honors classes freshman year really took a toll on it. I'm submitting my ACT score which is 26 (low, I know) but I'm taking it again soon... hopefully my new score will be in the 28-31 range.</p>

<p>I have a really good essay and EC's!</p>

<p>Purdue is my top school so I want to apply early action, but since my statistics are not as competitive I was wondering whether I should or not?
Overall.... do you think I have a good/poor chance of admission?</p>

<p>I'm also applying as a math/stat major.</p>

<p>As I said on my other post, your chances of getting in are high but I cannot say the same about getting a scholarship. Let me clarify that there is no early action for Purdue, it’s just regular or late. Your decision will be available on December 9 if you apply on time. General Chem is a “weed-out” course so make sure you know your chem and study a lot for it.</p>

<p>Your essay is VERY important so make sure you do a good one! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Good luck on your admissions process.</p>

<p>I am OOS and I have friends who are as well. We all got scholarships with similar scores. It honestly just depends on the other students who applied. Generally, the larger scholarships are sent out in the first wave in January, and the ones later one get gradually smaller. Best of luck</p>

<p>Here’s a link w/some admissions statistics for Purdue:</p>

<p>[Purdue</a> University Profile - SAT Scores and Admissions Data for Purdue University Main Campus](<a href=“]Purdue”>Purdue University: Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA)</p>

<p>If you click on the GPA, SAT, ACT Graph for Purdue link on the page, it will bring you to a graph and show you, based on those 3 criteria, who was admitted, who was denied, who was wait listed, and who was accepted. You can find where you would fall on that graph to give you an idea of what your chances are. Here is the actual link for the chart:</p>

<p>[Purdue</a> University - West Lafayette - GPA and Test Scores Needed for Admission](<a href=“]Purdue”>Purdue University: Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA)</p>

<p>Also, you did not state what your intended major was. Some programs are more competitive than others.</p>

<p>Good luck to you! Purdue is my alma mater and a great school. My daughter is currently in the process of applying right now, too, and trying to have her application in by October 15th so she will have her decision by the beginning of December.</p>