<p>GPA: 4.32w, 4.0 uw
SAT I: 2140
SAT II's: 640 Math, 650 Literature
AP Scores: All 4's and 5's (mostly 5's), will graduate HS with 9 AP classes
Senior Course Load: AP Gov, AP Calc BC, AP Physics C Mechanics + AP Physics C Em, AP art history</p>
<p>Honors/Awards: AP scholar with honor, National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, Ambassador to the State of California (one of 4 from entire state), California Scholastic Federation 100 percent life member, </p>
<p>EC's: Hundreds of community service hours, Planned Charity Gala and raised over 20,000 dollars for a local charity through donations, silent auction etc-- Most money raised by single person in history of charity, President of California Scholastic Federation, President of Junior State of America, President of French Culture Club, Planned 100 person banquet for CSF 2 years in a row, Attended the Republican National Convention(one of only 50 students chosen from the United States to be ambassadors to their states-- chosen out of 3,000 applicants), Interned an held an actual paid position at the Republican Party HQ's, Summer internships with various large companies-- past summer followed fortune 500 executive, Played Varsity Volleyball</p>
<p>Essays: Very Strong
Rec's: Amazing!</p>
<p>What are my chances for UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC and Notre Dame, Dartmouth, Duke, NYU?</p>