Chance average GPA, strong EC's student for dream ED school [VA Resident, 3.75 UW, 35 ACT, NMSF, need FA; public policy, international relations, economics, cognitive science]

Cities generally are more diverse, but some are also highly segregated, which suggests less inclusiveness than less segregated cities. The Most Diverse Cities Are Often The Most Segregated | FiveThirtyEight is an older page on the subject, but gives some idea of the situation.


Thatā€™s actually a pretty common and reasonable type of list for students like you: high stats but limited budget. Actually, in your case because you are NMSF, it is 3 buckets:

  1. In-state schools that are safeties for admission and cost. Lucky for you, Virginia has incredible public options (I am super jealous!)
  2. Schools that give big merit for NMSF/NMF status. Although in your case, many of these schools are located in areas where you donā€™t want to be. But you can afford to be choosy about location because your Virginia schools are strong!
  3. Reaches. The bad part is acceptance rates are low, the good part is that their financial aid is incredible. I have a good feeling about you getting an acceptance at at least one of your reaches. Schools donā€™t invite students to fly-ins that they are not serious about (and not accepting their fly-in wonā€™t be held against you.)

Personally, this would be my tactic:

  1. I would resist the temptation to apply to so many schools and scholarship programs that I started to dilute the quality of my applications.
  2. For each school I was considering, I would ask myself "Do I really like this school better than my favorite true safety (safety for cost and admission.) If the answer is no, I would ruthlessly eliminate that school from my list!
  3. I would devote my current application efforts to my ED choice first of all, then complete my in-state safeties. If, and only if, I was done with these would I move onto other applications.
  4. I would adopt an attitude of fun. Youā€™ve done your best and now youā€™re throwing your hat in the ring. Donā€™t take it too seriously; life is an adventure! Something great is going to come out of this, even if you donā€™t know what it is yet. Love the schools that love you back. They will be lucky to get you! You got this.

Because you indicated Dallas might be okay, definitely look at University of Texas Dallas - a very generous NMF school!


I say go ahead and try. You could look at University of Rochester.


Brown/Northeastern-- VERY different. If you love Brown- apply early and take your shot. But Iā€™d do a deep dive on coop, pre-professionalism, etc. at NEU before I wasted the time on an application.

Double major AND a minor? Why? You donā€™t even need a second major, let alone a minor.

Try to take the ā€œdream schoolā€ concept out of your vocabulary. There is no dream school, no dream house, no dream spouse, no dream job. Life is full of trade-offā€™s. Take your shot at Brown recognizing the odds are against you- and start to get excited about some of your safer options.

You sound like a fantastic person and student and any college would be lucky to have you!


No William & Mary? I know it isnā€™t urban, but itā€™s pretty great for your interests.

If Atlanta is an acceptable destination, have you considered Emory? They are one of the few private Uā€™s that recompute GPA without freshman grades, which it seems would be helpful in your case.

Agreed that Brown and Northeastern are quite different; but if you love both, you might have a look at URochester (as was already suggested above); my kid felt that there was overlap in terms of the things she liked about these schools. Great music opportunities for non-majors there, too. Run the NPC to see whether their aid would work for you.

If youā€™d consider west coast, the Claremont Colleges are top-notch in your areas of interest.

Carnegie Mellon is another that doesnā€™t use freshman grades in the GPA. (And I see youā€™re already considering Pitt - thereā€™s cross-registration between the two, and they are right across the street from each other.) Their CogSci major is very computational - you wouldnā€™t need an additional minor in CS/data science. They have a reputation for somewhat stingy financial aid, but this seems to be improving - students have been reporting pretty generous need-based aid packages in the past few years. It might be more affordable than Pitt, for you.

Seconding the UT-Dallas recommendation as well. Check out the various tracks within their CogSci major. Their NMF package is very generous and attracts a very strong cohort of students for the Honors College. The undergraduate population is very diverse - less than 27% white. (Although itā€™s still only 5% Black; the larger demographics are 39% Asian & 17% Hispanic).

Itā€™s hard to know how to chance you, especially given the shifting landscape vis-a-vis racial factors in admissions. Being below the top quartile may hurt you at schools that look at class rank; if you look at the Common Data Set information for some of these schools, the percentage of admitted students who werenā€™t in the top 10% or at least top 25% is very small. But they also know that NoVA schools are very competitive; and your upward trend and very strong ECā€™s should go a long way. Iā€™m pretty confident that some excellent schools will want you! Whether Brown will be one of thoseā€¦ hard to say, but it doesnā€™t hurt to try!

TBH, I canā€™t quite figure out the algorithm for your geographic criteria. For example, you like WashU enough to consider ED2, but in terms of political and racial issues, Iā€™m having trouble seeing why St. Louis is any less troubling than Dallas or Atlanta or Tulsa.

Good luck; hope you keep us posted!

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Thank you so much for the advice! Yes, I love my VA publics theyā€™re very awesome (GMU is my favorite I think). I like the suggestion about comparing my schools to my true safety (GMU in my case) and taking it off if I donā€™t like it better! Yeah, Iā€™ve spent a lot of time on my Brown application, Iā€™m actually already done with all seven supplements (they went absolutely insane this year) and Iā€™ll probably ask a cc reader and my english teachers to review them! I will try my best to have fun, thank you : )


Will definitely look there, thanks!

CC LOVES URochester (iā€™m willing to bet money its mentioned at least once in almost all the chance me threads on here) so Iā€™ve actually already looked into that one, and Iā€™m considering applying

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Yeah, I know a lot of the schools on my list are quite different from one another (brown and columbia are my top 2 even though columbia is almost the exact opposite of brown with its core curriculum), but I feel like I like these schools for different reasons. For me, every school on my list has something I love about it, for NEU its the Co-op program. I know its weird but I think Iā€™m just quite flexible in what Iā€™m looking for in a school (other than location I know Iā€™m nitpicky about that haha! Thatā€™s why Iā€™m very comfortable with my safeties, but also just wanna try for the reaches

yeahā€¦ the minor wonā€™t be necessary if I go to a school with a good cognitive science curriculum (because schools with a good cog sci program have a track where you can focus on computation, which is what i want to do), but iā€™ve also been feeling like minoring in addition with the double major is a lot. iā€™m set on the double major though, i donā€™t see any other way to reconcile my interests in government and STEM!

Yep, I know the odds are stacked against me, and having a dream school usually leads to disappointment, but I think Iā€™m willing to accept that! Iā€™d rather have put all my effort into trying to get in and even if I donā€™t get accepted Iā€™ll know that I tried my best, and Iā€™m good with that! Iā€™m definitely good with my safeties like I mentioned earlier!

Thank you so much, I sure hope Brown is one of those colleges! I appreciate all the advice : )


First off, thanks so much for the detailed response!! I donā€™t think I want to go to W&M, Iā€™ve heard too many horror stories and I donā€™t really like the location.
Yes Iā€™ve considered Emory, I think Iā€™m gonna apply!!
Definetely heavily considering URochester atm, will run the NPC later today with parents. Music opportunities is huge plus!!
Still wishy washy about west coast but iā€™ll check out claremont
Iā€™ve considered applying to CMU!! I actually visited Pittsburgh this past spring, and toured Pitt and met with an admissions officer at CMU (because apparently you can do that so I took the opportunity). I think Iā€™d really like it there, so I think Iā€™m gonna apply.
Checking out UT-Dallas!
Yeah, a bunch of schools added the so-called ā€˜diversity questionā€™ to supplements, and I feel like thatā€™s their way of getting around the aff. action court decision, so I guess weā€™ll see what they end up doing with that, but my class rank is definetely my biggest concern. it may be helpful to note that iā€™m concurrently enrolled in my STEM magnet school, so my class rank is actually from my ā€˜normalā€™ high school with basically like the entire rest of the school population not taking the classes Iā€™m taking. Not sure if that makes sense, but what iā€™m trying to say is that my STEM school has a lot of grade deflation compared to grade inflation at my normal high school, so I think my counselor is mentioning that in her recommendation (and in the school profile) to kinda add more context to my class rank. i hope that helps, but iā€™m not sure.
Honestly Iā€™m applying to WashU because they accepted me into their fly-in program, and they have an AWESOME ampersand program I really love. I guess you could call it an exception! Also Iā€™m fine with Dallas and Atlanta, Iā€™m straight scared of anywhere in oklahoma (maybe its irrational but thatā€™s just me).


You donā€™t need to major in Government in order to ā€œdoā€ policy; subject matter expertise is what gets you in. Think Tanks- they look for the people who understand the subject they are researching. Roles at agencies and on the hill- ditto. You can major in Agriculture or Nutritional Science and get a job working in food policy (a very important area given how distorted our food supply is by what the government spends money on) much more easily than being a poli sci or government major. Ditto for the other ā€œscience relatedā€ types of policy jobs.

I donā€™t think Brown and Columbia are all that different btw. But both are pretty different from GW, BU, and Northeastern.

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You may have enough reaches already, but if Dallas is good, Houston is probably even better; have you considered Rice? Top-tier financial aid and a really great student experience.


Since you mentioned National Merit scholarships, how does VCU and its Presidential Scholarship compare?

Thatā€™s good to know! Iā€™m also just interested in government and policy in general and want to work more from that end of things rather than the researcher role (like Iā€™d rather interpret the research and create stuff out of it rather than do it if that makes sense), and if something like science policy doesnā€™t work out for me I want to be able to get something in the politics/government/diplomacy realm that I wouldnā€™t get if I just majored in cog sci

Yeah VCU is one of my safeties, definitely going to apply for this scholarship!

popping in here as an NEU freshman bc go huskies and we need more to join the pack anyways- itā€™s a reach, but a decent shot if you applied ED (regardless of 1/2, but they do take more ED1 kids- Iā€™d even suggest applying EA to improve your chances.) I had a 3.8 uw GPA and I did EA, and got in, but it also depends on the kind of class theyā€™re looking to make each year. Iā€™ll drop the links for the majors you said you were interested in- (also NEU has combined majors and they are chefā€™s kiss amazing. I wouldnā€™t knowā€¦ because I chickened out of my combined major, but anyways.

Closest thing I could get to cog sci was psych/neuro so Iā€™m dropping both: Psych: (Psychology < Northeastern University) + Neuro: (Behavioral Neuroscience, BS < Northeastern University) - CS minor: (Computer Science, Minor < Northeastern University)

feel free to DM me if you have questions about NEU or with the app process for it! /warmly

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USC gives half tuition to admitted national merit students.

I think you are going to be a competitive candidate even at your reaches but you need to reflect on what you really want and narrow your list. Brown is nothing than NE and neither is that similar to Wash U.

Was going to suggest this too. I might have missed it but are you interested in continuing with debate in college? Rice has a strong debate team.