Chance EA?

<p>Okay, so I probably shouldn't worry, but I want someone to chance me. My parents are way confident in me and keep saying I'll get in wherever I apply, but my mom has a tendency to over exaggerate my abilities/intelligence, so I want a second opinion.</p>

<p>Roman Catholic, White female looking to go into physics</p>

<p>ACT: 35 (maybe a 36 on the Oct test)
Rank: 1/181
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.72 W
Course load: most difficult at my school (AP Calc I and II, AP Physics C, AP Chem, AP Bio, AP US History, AP English Lit, honors everything else)
Rec: Haven't seen it, but I've heard the teacher that wrote mine writes excellent recs
Essays: 1 OK (living with a brother with mild autism), 1 good (how a project I did inspired me)</p>

Outstanding Science Student Award at my school
Society of Women Engineers award
Distinguished Scholar for a local newspaper
National Honor Society member</p>

Mock trial - 4 years (won districts every year, won states my sophomore year, got 13 at nationals; team captain)
Chemistry team competition (1st and 5th place)
Science Olympiad - 3 years
International Thespian Society/Drama - 4 years (currently treasurer)
School rep for local Mayor's Youth Commission</p>

<p>Community service:
Student teacher for local Sunday School program - 4 years
188 hours of service for Project Linus</p>

<p>No work experience :(</p>

<p>Oh, and my dad and grandpa are ND alums</p>

<p>I’d guess you’re in- those ACT scores/valedictorian status in conjunction with legacy status? Come on.</p>