<p>Here's just a list of where I stand at the end of sophomore year:</p>
<p>Debate Club</p>
<p>Founded it this year, 95% student-run--and 85% of that is me, haha. Going competitive next year with a serious coach, will compete in a league. Takes 10-15 hours a week, some serious dedication. Wouldn't exist without me (not to brag, just want to make clear my role). We have a lecture series by university professors, as well as other sponsored events, and meet regularly.</p>
<p>Drama Club</p>
<p>Just joined this year, but I had a substantial role this year in the play and will likely have a lead next year. I don't do the musicals, though.</p>
<p>I always tutor in any subject for free. Typically around 2 hours a week.</p>
<p>Martial Arts</p>
<p>Takes about 5 hours a week. Will be an advanced rank by the end of next year, the youngest in our studio ever.</p>
<p>Been playing for ten years. I compose, and win in the talent show, if that means anything. Will be in an ensemble next year.</p>
<p>Student Government</p>
<p>Was president freshman year, haha. I abandoned it because I thought it was a stupid, nonmeritocratic system that wasn't worth my time.</p>
<p>Awards include 1st in regional for science and Scholastic Art and Writing, gold.</p>
<p>How's all this look for the Ivies so far? Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Above Average ECs, but nothing truly mind-blowing. My suggestions? Continue volunteering, and apply for research programs next year (if interested in premed) or apply for pre-college programs (like summer @ Brown, etc.) if you are more interested in liberal arts.
Also, I recommend that you get some work experience if at all possible.</p>
<p>Yeah, I didn't include work experience or extra things I do for school. I do take two sciences and two languages, but I'll be working this summer, as well as volunteering as a tourguide. I also forgot to mention that I make money doing guitar lessons.</p>
<p>Plans in the future include starting up a small performing arts program for elementary schoolers over the summer and doing tennis. I'd really like to do something more with debate and writing to be "mind-blowing."</p>
<p>At schools other than HYPSM, ECs are overrated. More important that you have very high class rank and over 2250. If you have that, apply without worrying about ECs.</p>
<p>A blown mind...
Published researcher/Published Author (in a prestigious publication, not the school literary journal, etc.)
Intel Award winner
Winner of an essay competition (like the Goldman-Sachs/Asia Society competition)
AIME competitor on the national level
Enormous amount of money raised for charity
Oh yeah, and curing cancer would be great lol
But seriously there are some mind blowing ECs out there. If you win some awards in debate, your app would definitely be stronger. With writing, try to get published or win an essay competition.</p>
<p>Lol, well, HYPSM is what I'm aiming for. I've got the other stuff, and a really challenging courseload, so that's why I'm asking about the EC's.</p>
<p>HYPSM ECs are national level awards/achievements, RSI/TASP/MITES, recognition of a specific talent on a national/intnl level, raising millions for a cause, something the NYTs would write about.</p>
<p>Haha isn't Scholastic Art and Writing Nationals a national level award/achievement? Says it in the name, anyway. I have no clue the prestige of it, so that's why I'm pushing it. All I know is that I spend a lot of time reading a writing.</p>
<p>Yeah I looked it up and I've never heard of it, but it looks pretty good so congrats. I'd like to hear the opinions of other CCers regarding the Scholastic Art and Writing award...</p>