Chance for Chance Back

This is a brief post. Assuming that I have a 1590 on the SAT, I am chinese. Have decent grades. Played violin for 3 years in high school. Involved in the clubs, and did an EXTREMELY prestigious internship over the summer (RSI level). Also involved in a club to help students from North Korea. not self reporting any ap scores cz was hospitalized, got a 800 on math 2 760 on chemistry. Also top usabo qualifier. have participated in science fair for the entirety of high school. For the first two years, I was an International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist. During my junior year, I won 2nd Place at the International Fair.

Applying to computer science. How much scholarship do you think I will get?

Are you an international resident of China? Or are you a citizen of the U.S. with Chinese ancestry?

If the former, it’s a bit presumptuous of you to be asking about the size of your likely scholarship.

@gandalf78 I’m a citizen in the US with Chinese ancestry.

Purdue is not known for their merit aid. If you are instate, you have slightly better odds. If not, I wouldn’t count on merit $.

Don’t count on merit aid. Check the Purdue common data set. Average merit aid is low. $10k low