<p>Hi guys! If you could chance me for these schools in the subject line, it'd be much appreciated. Thanks! </p>
Very competitive school in MA, class size 500
School doesn't rank, but I suspect top 1-2%
Indian American</p>
2400 SAT superscore (800m, 800cr, 740w single sitting)
800 SAT Math II, 770 Biology, 750 Chemistry
3.95 UW GPA
APs Taken: AP Compsci, Calc BC, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics, World History, APUSH (5)
APs taking: AP Micro, AP Macro, AP Psychology, AP Physics C</p>
<p>Big Awards/Honors: USAJMO Qualifier, USAMO Qualifier, Siemens Regional Finalist, ISEF 4th Place in Category, RSI 2012 Scholar, two published papers, Mandelbrot Competition 17th Nationally, Canada/USA Mathcamp, Internship at Math Circle</p>
Math Team (usually sweeping everything), three years of research experience, Science Bowl (National Champions), ACSL, USACO, Varsity Athletics this year, ~200 Hours of volunteering experience, two jobs, NHS</p>
<p>Recs: Good, Good, Probably good, Excellent.
Essays: Hopefully good? I think they're good.</p>
<p>What do you guys think?</p>