I know they're "reaches for everyone" but...

<p>Chance me for Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Upenn (Wharton!). I know they're all super selective and unpredictable but what do you think the probability is that i get into at least one?</p>

<p>I recently found out I got accepted to all my safeties including Berkeley and UCLA with Regents, so now I'm obsessed with this website and afraid it's going to be only rejections from now on :(</p>

<p>Basic Stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.uw, 4.56 weighted
SAT 1 : 2370 (CR 790, Math 780, Writing 800)
SAT 2: 800 Math 2, 790 Chem, 740 US History</p>

<p>APs: 5 Calc BC, 5 Chem, 5 US History
Current APs: Statistics, French, Biology, Econ, Gov</p>

<p>Good ECs including 2 officer positions in major clubs, awards at DECA regionals and states including 1st Place California for Marketing Research, CSF, AP Scholar, National Merit etc.</p>

<p>Pretty good essays, great recommendations....</p>

<p>thank you! :)</p>

<p>idk, but you really shouldn't have UCLA with a sad face in the same sentence.</p>

<p>Don't get me wrong - I'm REALLY excited about UCLA and Berkeley</p>

<p>Just stressing about the rest and debating whether to be optimistic about my reaches and risk getting crushed later, or just crush the hope now and be happy with berkeley</p>

<p>actually sorry just ignore this thread, i can deal with this for one more month... i think...ugh this is so ridiculously hard i should do my homework now</p>

<p>haha, it's ok you should definitely get into one of your top choices; but if worst comes to worst, you'll have to bear that nice cali weather just 4 years longer</p>

<p>Rejected at MIT, maybe in at one of Harvard/Yale/Wharton.</p>

<p>why do you say that?</p>

<p>i applied to MIT Sloan (the undergrad business school) so it shouldn't matter that i don't have math/science related awards like siemens/intel etc?</p>

I recently found out I got accepted to all my safeties including Berkeley and UCLA with Regents


<p>So... Berkeley and UCLA were your safeties? :rolleyes:</p>

crush the hope now and be happy with berkeley


<p>Aw, poor you, having to settle for Berkeley.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance, but even people who do get admitted to Sloan will have to qualify for the mimimum institute requirements in math and science. I dont think it would hurt you though....</p>

<p>Berkeley is still a really good school...</p>

<p>You do realize that Berkeley's B-school is top notch right? I think you should have also applied to UMich - Ross (pretty damn good school). May get into one of HYP; agree about reject at MIT b/c you don't have enough math ec/awards. Unless you specifically slogged through your 4 yrs of HS to get into an amazing college, you should be pretty happy about going to Berkeley I would say. GL!</p>

<p>^^ I'd say Berkeley and UCLA are pretty amazing colleges -- the OP should be extremely happy to get Regents' at both.</p>

<p>I'm sure saying "you should be happy at (Blank)" won't MAKE him happy. Sometimes it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the school is good/prestigious that makes someone want to or not want to go there. Yes, the OP probably knew that berkeley has a great b-school, but if he WANTS to go to other schools more it doesn't mean he has anything against berkeley or UCLA. so shut up and chance him. I've noticed that berkeley and UCLA-ers have a bit of an inferiority complex. </p>

<p>:) yeah just wanted to say that. nothing personal..i dont relaly want to argue with anyone.</p>

<p>well OP you weren't too specific about your awards. Let's just say that if you were at my school, which sends about 20% of its kids to ivies out of around 400 a class, then you'll probably be in Harvard and Yale. From my experience, Harvard and Yale are a little bit more numbers-based than MIT and Wharton. Again, this is what would happen at my school. MIT probably not, because of your lack of specialty awards, and Wharton I think you have a better chance at than MIT but it'll probably still be a reject unless you have better awards/good connections/legacy. However if you are a URM you'll be in everywhere no question. And notice the frequent use of the word "probably"</p>

Yes, the OP probably knew that berkeley has a great b-school, but if he WANTS to go to other schools more it doesn't mean he has anything against berkeley or UCLA. so shut up and chance him. I've noticed that berkeley and UCLA-ers have a bit of an inferiority complex.


<p>Perhaps you don't see it. To remind the OP of how lucky he is would maybe lead him to be more thankful for what he has -- rather than morosely "settling" for excellent universities.</p>

<p>And could you point out where I said he had anything against the two? No, you can't, because I never said it. </p>

nothing personal..i dont relaly want to argue with anyone.


<p>Then why do you make a personal attacks about inferiority complexes?</p>

<p>As a new member, you should read the terms of service regarding courtesy.</p>

<p>I didn't make personal attacks. This is reflective of MANY UCLA/Berkeley students. They're always out to prove that their school is better than Harvard or Yale or Princeton or whatever. And when someone says "I'd rather go to Columbia than UCB" a UCB student would jump to conclusions and say "it's just because UCB isn't an ivy right?" and no, i'm not directing this at you but MANY other UC students I've seen</p>

<p>You considered Berkeley and UCLA safeties? I think many people consider them reaches and would be delighted to be accepted to them, so I wouldn't be upset to be accepted ONLY at them. However, I think you're going to struggle to get into HYP because of how typical an applicant you are for them.</p>

<p>First off, i'm a girl (flutterfly lol) and not URM</p>

<p>Second, i KNOW Berkeley and UCLA are great schools! I just wanted an idea of my chances for my reaches (and yes when you have a 4.0 and 2370 and about 60 people from your school get into berkeley/ucla every year, you can consider them safeties). Please don't bother posting if all you're interested in is arguing.</p>

<p>and here's some more information:
- VERY competitive school, ranked 7th in State, 57th in the nation
- Rank 1/657 (shared by 12 people though)
-Competitions Director for DECA (business club, #1 chapter in CA, over 200 members)
- DECA awards at Norcal and State 1st place in Marketing Research, 1st Marketing Management, 3rd place Economics...
- delegate to the International Career Development Conference in Florida!
- National French Honor Society Treasurer
- California Scholarship Federation - 3 years Life Member and Gold Seal Bearer
- Student tutor in Study Buddy program for 2 years
- over 200 volunteer hours
- jazz lessons at Dance Academy USA
- Link Crew
- my school's Indian club - performed in the annual show every year
- National Science Honor Society member
- National Merit Commended
- AP Scholar</p>

<p>i think you have a great chance! did you read my previous post?</p>

<p>yes, thank you =]</p>

<p>Berkeley and UCLA kids do seem to have an inferiority complex. After a year on these boards, I have seen more defending of those two schools than of all other schools combined. Any thread that makes mention of Berkeley in a light that is not altogether positive will surely see plenty of reproof by finger-wagging Berkeley students. I have nothing against these two schools, although I am not applying to either, but to say that Berkeley or UCLA students don't have something of an inferiority complex is to deny a truth obvious to anyone who reads enough of these CC threads (which I definitely do).</p>

I didn't make personal attacks.


<p>When you make potentially offensive comments that are irrelevant to the point, it's a personal attack.</p>

This is reflective of MANY UCLA/Berkeley students.


<p>So, you have a good sampling size--say, 10%--to make a judgement? That means ~7,000 students.</p>

They're always out to prove that their school is better than Harvard or Yale or Princeton or whatever.


<p>I've been on CC for a few years (longer than this account will say), and I see it very seldomly. The overwhelming majority of Cal/UCLA students I see on CC accept that their schools are no HYPS.</p>

And when someone says "I'd rather go to Columbia than UCB" a UCB student would jump to conclusions and say "it's just because UCB isn't an ivy right?


<p>Broad, sweeping claims...</p>

and yes when you have a 4.0 and 2370 and about 60 people from your school get into berkeley/ucla every year, you can consider them safeties


<p>No -- it's that sense of arrogance that leads someone to believe that. Your chances are obviously good -- in fact, I'd put them at a match to safe match. But a safety, as anyone will tell you, is supposed to be one that you are essentially guaranteed into. They are supposed to be safe. Schools whose acceptance rates approach 1 in 5 are not safe enough.</p>

Please don't bother posting if all you're interested in is arguing.


<p>Please don't bother posting if all you're here to do is whine about having to resort to potentially full rides at two awesome schools, when you know that your chances at your reaches are excellent.</p>

Any thread that makes mention of Berkeley in a light that is not altogether positive will surely see plenty of reproof by finger-wagging Berkeley students.


<p>I'm not a Berkeley or a UCLA student, and I don't see that much. More often than not, negative comments about Berkeley/UCLA are left untouched. The same can be said about many schools on these forums.</p>

to say that Berkeley or UCLA students don't have something of an inferiority complex is to deny a truth obvious to anyone who reads enough of these CC threads


<p>The generalizations -- how absolutely ludicrous. For one, did you know that an inferiority complex is something that only a psychologist can diagnose?</p>

<p>Inferiority</a> complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>Furthermore, like others, you are attempting to make a generalization based on a tiny sampling size. Do you really think that some 70,000 students at Berkeley and UCLA really care that much?</p>

<p>Lastly, as someone who's been reading threads on CC for quite a while, I can say this definitely: Berkeley and UCLA debates only pop up every once in a while. The overwhelming majority of threads and many-page debates are on elite privates. Just look at featured discussions: threads regarding Ivies and such far outnumber those on schools like Berkeley or UCLA (very often threads go by the US News 1-20, and neither school makes the cut). You're probably referring to the recent debate(s) on Berkeley, in which certain misinformed posters say that those who argue for or against Berkeley/UCLA (whether they're students or not) have inferiority complexes; I've never seen such a claim brought up much before, so I'm led to believe there's a connection there.</p>