I didn't make personal attacks.
<p>When you make potentially offensive comments that are irrelevant to the point, it's a personal attack.</p>
This is reflective of MANY UCLA/Berkeley students.
<p>So, you have a good sampling size--say, 10%--to make a judgement? That means ~7,000 students.</p>
They're always out to prove that their school is better than Harvard or Yale or Princeton or whatever.
<p>I've been on CC for a few years (longer than this account will say), and I see it very seldomly. The overwhelming majority of Cal/UCLA students I see on CC accept that their schools are no HYPS.</p>
And when someone says "I'd rather go to Columbia than UCB" a UCB student would jump to conclusions and say "it's just because UCB isn't an ivy right?
<p>Broad, sweeping claims...</p>
and yes when you have a 4.0 and 2370 and about 60 people from your school get into berkeley/ucla every year, you can consider them safeties
<p>No -- it's that sense of arrogance that leads someone to believe that. Your chances are obviously good -- in fact, I'd put them at a match to safe match. But a safety, as anyone will tell you, is supposed to be one that you are essentially guaranteed into. They are supposed to be safe. Schools whose acceptance rates approach 1 in 5 are not safe enough.</p>
Please don't bother posting if all you're interested in is arguing.
<p>Please don't bother posting if all you're here to do is whine about having to resort to potentially full rides at two awesome schools, when you know that your chances at your reaches are excellent.</p>
Any thread that makes mention of Berkeley in a light that is not altogether positive will surely see plenty of reproof by finger-wagging Berkeley students.
<p>I'm not a Berkeley or a UCLA student, and I don't see that much. More often than not, negative comments about Berkeley/UCLA are left untouched. The same can be said about many schools on these forums.</p>
to say that Berkeley or UCLA students don't have something of an inferiority complex is to deny a truth obvious to anyone who reads enough of these CC threads
<p>The generalizations -- how absolutely ludicrous. For one, did you know that an inferiority complex is something that only a psychologist can diagnose?</p>
<p>Inferiority</a> complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>
<p>Furthermore, like others, you are attempting to make a generalization based on a tiny sampling size. Do you really think that some 70,000 students at Berkeley and UCLA really care that much?</p>
<p>Lastly, as someone who's been reading threads on CC for quite a while, I can say this definitely: Berkeley and UCLA debates only pop up every once in a while. The overwhelming majority of threads and many-page debates are on elite privates. Just look at featured discussions: threads regarding Ivies and such far outnumber those on schools like Berkeley or UCLA (very often threads go by the US News 1-20, and neither school makes the cut). You're probably referring to the recent debate(s) on Berkeley, in which certain misinformed posters say that those who argue for or against Berkeley/UCLA (whether they're students or not) have inferiority complexes; I've never seen such a claim brought up much before, so I'm led to believe there's a connection there.</p>