SAT: 2050
SAT II: 720-Physics, 760- Math II
INTENDED MAJOR: Electrical Engineering
Race: Asian Indian
GPA Breakdown:
9-11 UW (USC)- 3.68
9-11 W (USC)- 4.21
UC GPA (Capped at 8 Honors) -4.0
10-11 UW GPA- 3.69
10-11 W GPA (Uncapped)- 4.23
AP Scores (5 Total in 10-11)- AP Chemistry (3), AP Euro (3), AP Calc AB (5), AP Physics 1 (4), AP US History (4), AP Spanish IV (3)
Senior Year Schedule (Rigorous Schedule?)
AP Gov
AP Stats
AP Psych
AP Spanish V
AP Lit
CSF (3 Years)
Key Club (3 Years)
Taekwondo 3rd Degree Black Belt (12+ Years)
1st Place Cal State Open Taekwondo Tournament
Junior Leadership Team for Taekwondo
Taekwondo Instructor Experience (200 Hours)
Volunteer as Taekwondo Instructor (50 Hours)
Intern at Social Security Office
Orange County Math Circle Competition-4th Place
Love 2 Read(Library Reading Program)
Academic Connections or COSMOS during summer (Does this help?)
600+ Community service hours
Please Chance me based on the following schools… I’ll chance back if you leave a link to your post
- UC Irvine
- Georgia Tech
- Cal Poly Slo
- Cal State Fullerton
- UM-Ann Arbor
- Purdue
- Cornell
- Columbia
- USC - Reach
- UCLA - Reach
- UCSD - Reach
- UC Irvine - Match
- Georgia Tech - Match
- UCSB - Match
- Cal Poly Slo - Dont Know..
- UCR - Match/Safety
- Cal State Fullerton - Safety..
- UIUC - Match
- UM-Ann Arbor - Reach/Match
- Purdue - Match
- Cornell - Reach
- Columbia - Reach
Chance back?
Ivy schools, UMich, USC and UCLA are going to be a sizable reach as an Asian applicant ( the sub 2100 ACT is the part that is really holding you back) UCSD and Irvine will also be fairly competitive–however, I say you have a good chance of getting in at at least half of the remaining schools list.
Besides GPA, since that can’t be changed what do you think I can/could have done to improve my chances at UCLA/USC?
Hmmn, that is a hard one. I am assuming you are from the OC, per the stats you listed above–and that makes it even more difficult to distinguish yourself from other Asian applicants–as that area has one of the highest concentration of applicants in the country. I would certainly do your homework about your intended major, and specific features about the major/degree that are compelling to you. You want to covey that you are nuanced and that you would add some other dimension to their student body (I would not go into an elaboration of your grades/scores, as everyone has just as good or better marks)–best—
@boolaHI I am not exactly sure what you mean but I am going to write my essays on how taekwondo had built a great integrity, work ethic , and leadership qualities. My other essay will be about how cosmos and academic connections inspired me to major in engineering.( any better ideas than the cosmos essay?)
- USC - High Match
- UCLA - Reach
- UCSD - High Match
- UC Irvine - Match
- Georgia Tech - Match
- UCSB - Match
- Cal Poly Slo - Match
- UCR - Match/Safety
- Cal State Fullerton - Safety..
- UIUC - Match
- UM-Ann Arbor - Reach
- Purdue - Low Match/ Safety
- Cornell - Reach(as is for everyone)
- Columbia - Reach(as is for everyone)
Chance me Back?
Also what are some good engineering schools that people apply EA (non binding) to.
I think the top 3 UCs will be a reach because of the subpar GPA and SAT score, but you have chances at the rest. You can get into Purdue and probably UIUC. Chance back?
- USC - Reach
- UCLA - Reach
- UCSD - Reach
- UC Irvine - Match
- Georgia Tech - Reach
- UCSB - Match
- Cal Poly Slo - Not sure.
- UCR - Match
- Cal State Fullerton - Safety..
- UIUC - Match/Low Reach
- UM-Ann Arbor - Reach
- Purdue - Match/Safety
- Cornell - Reach
- Columbia - Reach
Your scores, GPA’s, EC’s are not good enough for the schools listed as reach. Engineering majors are competitive at these schools, and you may not fair up against other applicants. You have a chance at UIUC, but no promises. You’ll get into Purdue. Everyone does. But I’ll warn you that the rigor at Purdue is as hard as any other top school, and Purdue admits several under qualified applicants every year that usually end up dropping out of their major or taking 5+ years to graduate.
@dhruv97 what ecs should I have for engineering? Where do you attend?
- USC - Low Reach
- UCLA - Mid Reach
- UCSD - Mid Reach
- UC Irvine - High Match
- Georgia Tech - High Match
- UCSB - Low Reach
- Cal Poly Slo - Match
- UCR - High Match
- Cal State Fullerton - Low Match
- UIUC - Match
- UM-Ann Arbor - High Match
- Purdue - Match
- Cornell - High Reach
- Columbia - High Reach
Chance me back:
Any other suggestions in general?
Only UC’s
UCLA- Reach
UCSD/UCI- Low Reach/High Match
UCR- Low Match/Safety
Chance Back-
Decent SAT (low for LA and SD), slightly low GPA, good SAT 2 scores, kinda generic EC’s but its fine
@JaeHwanLoL What kind of ECs should I have that you don’t consider generic?
@harshil1499 For instance, martial arts is kinda generic (I’m a third degree black belt too) and I know many people who are 2nd-3rd degrees and applying to college. People getting multiple degrees in such a short amount of time is leading to martial arts being a generic-ish sight on college apps. You have good community service (with a lot of hours) but leadership and initiative in community service stands out. Another EC that would complement your electrical engineering major would be an internship at any engineering company. Demonstrating interest in a major, especially when applying to privates (from what I heard) can help an applicant stand out.
What is your class ranking? UC’s compare students from the same school and compare stats as a means of admission (if I’m correct) and if your ranking is above that of other applicants, combined with good EC’s, it could make for an enticing applicant.
As hard as it is for everyone to believe, your ethnicity is not considered at UCs and CSUs… it won’t help or hurt.
If it still concerns you, choose “Decline to State”
Your GPA and SAT will make it tough to get into LA, B and SD - though you should apply as much of the evaluation is subjective. Your stats will keep you out of the immediate NO pile. UCD, UCI and UCSB are matches but, that doesn;'t mean you are a lock - they too have a significant subjective component. UCSC, UCR and UCM, you’d really have to blow your essay to get rejected.
Cal Poly is data driven and super competitive, i’d say you’ve got a 50/50 shot and the outcome will depend on the applicant pool. If you love the place, apply ED.
The rest of the CSUs, you are in… you might want to replace CSULB with SDSU. The campus is more residential and the school marginally better.
USC, Cornell and Columbia are reaches.
Purdue you’ll get into no problem.
The others I don’t know enough about.
You might also consider applying to USD, Santa Clara and LMU. Each would probably give you some incentive to attend.
Good luck
@NCalRent Would it make a difference if I got my SAT score up to 2100, is it worth retaking? Is there anything subjectively you would recommend for improving my chances to USC,UCLA, and UCSD. I thought UCSD would be a match :(.
- USC -- low reach
- UCLA -- low-to-mid reach
- UCSD -- high match
- UC Irvine -- match
- Georgia Tech -- match
- UCSB -- in between match and safety
- Cal Poly Slo -- I don't know much about this, but I'd say safety
- UCR --low match
- Cal State Fullerton -- low match/safety
- UIUC -- Match/Low Reach
- UM-Ann Arbor -- medium reach
- Purdue -- safety
- Cornell -- high reach
- Columbia -- high definitely a reach, but if your essay is good, you've still got a chance!
Chance me back? I’d appreciate it!
- USC: reach
- UCLA: low reach
- UCSD: high match/low reach
- UC Irvine: high match
- Georgia Tech: match
- UCSB: match
- Cal Poly Slo: Not sure
- UCR: match
- Cal State Fullerton: safety
10.UIUC: low reach
- UM-Ann Arbor: reach
- Purdue: safety/match
- Cornell: high reach
- Columbia: low-mid reach
If possible, I would just improve your SAT and GPA. If you’re able to do so, then you’ll have more definitive answers. Are you planning on applying to any of these schools EA or ED? (Not sure if you already stated that or not.) Your senior year course load does look rigorous enough, considering the fact that you are taking almost all AP classes. Your extensive volunteer work and community service look nice. Along with that, your internship is a nice addition. Summer programs are also beneficial- they can’t hurt you! Good luck!!
Chance me please??