Instate in California
Indian Asian
SAT I (breakdown): 2060 (CR-640 W-700 M-720) SuperScore ( 660 CR 790 M 700 W= 2150)
SAT II: Math II:750 Physics:710
Unweighted GPA for 9-11: 3.69
Weighted GPA 9-11: 4.16
Rank/percentile (if available): Top 10%
AP Scores: AP Euro (3), AP Chem (3), APUSH (4), AP Physics 1 (4), AP Calc AB (5), AP Spanish (3)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Gov, AP Comp Sci, AP Lit, AP Stats, AP Psych, AP Physics C
12 APs/14 offered taken, which is why I have a low GPA, but no excuses… most rigorous schedule
3rd Degree Black Belt
Science Decathlon-Event Leader
Taekwondo Teams/Tournaments
Taekwondo Instructor
Volunteer as Taekwondo Instructor
SSA Office Intern
Teen Advisory Board (Library)- Vice President
AP Scholar With Distinction
11. What UCs do I have a shot at, I don’t think I have a shot at any
Other than UCLA/UCB and maybe UCSD, you have a good chance at the rest of the UC’s. Academics are only part of the application, so make sure your essays standout. Your EC’s look good.
Good Luck.
@Gumbymom I just hope UCSD or UCI will accept me those are my dream schools. What about USC? Any chance? By the way, my major is electrical engineering.
I think your UWGPA is a bit low for USC, but there is no harm in applying.
@Gumbymom would my chances increase if I went to their engineering summer camp, also my uncle is an alumni from their engineering program, would that give me an advantage? Would my chances still stand for the UCs since I’m applying engineering? Thanks.
Your uncle does not qualify for legacy status at USC and going to the engineering camp may be a nice EC, but it really will not give you much of a boost.
Your chances are solid for UCR and UCSC. UCD/UCI/UCSB are difficult to predict. Your UC GPA is right around the average, SAT at or above the average but your essays and EC’s are the unknown factor. Your course rigor is excellent and UC’s do like to see you challenge yourself. No one accurately predict your chances. You need to apply to a variety of schools and hope for the best.
I’m sure if you apply to all of these schools you will get into at least a few of them, but for the UCs I’d say you have a good shot at UCI and UCD.
Thanks guys! let me know if you need a chance back!
To be honest, you are a rather average applicant.
I’m no expert but here are my predictions:
Georgia Tech- low reach
Carnegie Mellon- reach if for CS
Northwestern- reach
John Hopkins- reach
Without hooks, your chances at these schools will be difficult. Good new though! UC schools disregard race in admissions. I think you should apply for most UCs. Other than Berkley and LA, you have a good shot at the others.
I do not think you have much of a chance for any of UCB/UCLA/USC/UCSD, but definitely a good chance for UCI.
@divinggirl6 CMU is not for cs it’s for engineering. So what would the chances be there? Would my chances improve if I got 2100 on the sat from October 3?
CMU engineering is also pretty tough. I’d say it would be a low reach if you can get that SAT score to a 2100. Good luck!
@divinggirl6 would ED at cmu or jhu help me more?
@ILoveCSE I’m honestly not certain. I really don’t think I’m the best person to take advice from. One of my brothers, I believe did CMU ED, and was accepted. Sorry that’s all I can offer you
Anyone else know whether I would have a better chance at JHU, CMU, or Northwestern ED?
@ILoveCSE am also no expert but I think Northwestern suits you best for ED. Just my two cents though
@jorgelorenzo I am so confused where to apply right now. I want to ED to all 3
Let me know if you need a chance, just leave a link!
You definitely have a chance of getting into Hopkins ED but it might be a slight reach. 1-3 I think are reaches and4-10 seem pretty realistic. I live on the east coast so I have no idea what your chances are for UC’s. Good luck.
Your ECs look great and the rigor of your classes will help! You have a chance at JHU and probably some of the UCs! Chance back?
Thanks guys! @collegelover77 can you leave a link?