<p>Boston U is a safety
Match: NYU Stern, Tufts, Cornell(slight reach)
Reach:MIT(slight reach but has high asian population),Harvard,Columbia, UPenn</p>
<p>Pretty much all the Ivies are crapshoot because there is so many different factors they are considering. Being asian definitely hurts you. There’s pretty much no way to know until you get the decision.
Your biggest problem is SAT score. Try bringing it up. </p>
<p>Boston U - safety
NYU Stern - high match
Columbia - reach
Harvard - high reach
MIT - high reach
Tufts University - match
UPenn, reach
Cornell, high match</p>
<p>i think if you make your essay something really personal, thatll make you stand out because believe it or not there are a lot of amazing students like you trying to get into ivies. also, bring up your SAT scores by a lot. good luck!</p>
<p>For your SAT’s, try maxing out your writing and math sections before CR. Maxing out math and writing is much easier than maxing out CR. Both of them take time and practice, but for writing there are definitely certain rules they test for in the multiple choice. Memorize those rules and you should boost your score. </p>
<p>If you can pull off a good SAT score, I’d say you have a good chance at all of those schools. For UPenn it definitely depends if you’re doing Wharton or Huntsman(?), since the business schools are much more difficult to get into than their other ones.</p>
<p>Boston U - match/safe, NYU Stern - match, Columbia - reach, Harvard - high reach, MIT - high reach, Tufts University - low reach, UPenn - reach, and Cornell - low reach. You’re GPA is amazing, and that’ll look great. You’re right, though, you won’t have a chance unless you get in the 2300s (you can do it, based on your GPA!). Also, you have a good breadth of ECs, but maybe try for some more depth by mid-senior year? Your piano is a really good one to showcase. But can you try to do something that would really highlight your passion for finance? Not some common EC that people do, but maybe land a really cool internship somewhere, maybe do a research project with some peers, etc? That would really help your chances, IMO. Do something big; you’re talking about the most selective schools in the country here haha! Good luck!</p>
<p>Oh my bad, Tufts should be a match, not a low reach lol. And U Chicago should be a high match/low reach. Just try to crank out a really good essay for them.</p>
<p>Thanks for the chance justwannaask. Theres a microbank at school that is trying to give money to businesses in 3rd world countries but so far they haven’t done jack. Should I do something like that or just get an awesome internship? (I know a couple people in the financial world that are pros but they live in Michigan or somewhere not near me).</p>
<p>No problem, man. And hmm, I can’t give a definitive answer on that one. I would say go for an internship simply because you need to really accomplish something; do something big! The officers reviewing your app need to say ‘wow’ after reading about said EC because, let’s face it, we’re talking about MIT/Harvard/Columbia here. I’m also saying internship because I’m speaking from experience; I did a research internship that got us recognized in newspapers/magazines, and my app is significantly more competitive b/c of it. And also, make sure and ‘internship’ doesn’t mean pushing papers and getting coffee! Try to do some research! If that’s hard in the finance world, do something where you’re making a tangible difference for a firm/company? I’m just trying to give you a big picture idea here. Do those people you’re talking about have contacts near you that they could refer you to? You could get in touch with them. I know this is pretty broad advice, but hopefully you get the picture. Good luck!</p>
<p>NYU and BU are the only real matches/safeties, and the Ivies are reaches, just because they’re the Ivies. However, you’re a strong applicant so I think you could get accepted to at least one or two.</p>
<p>Boston U - safety
NYU Stern - match
Columbia - reach
Harvard - reach
MIT - low reach
Tufts University - match
UPenn- low reach
Cornell- high match </p>
<p>I think your resume is great just the race factor at some of the schools is not going to help! I think you have a good chance at all the schoools except MIT,Harvard, and Columbia!! Good luck</p>