Chance for US schools?

<p>Hey everyone! I'm a grade 12 student from Canada, just considering whether or not I should apply to any US schools.</p>

<p>Please chance for the following:
Any Ivies
Boston University

<p>My overall avg from grades 9-11 is 92%. I know it's pretty low but that's REALLY hard to get at my school (it's actually insane, I've talked to people from all across Canada & they have 95+ avgs just from doing homework... so unfair!). It's a very competitive public school & I'm taking the most difficult classes offered. APs are only offered in gr 12 & we only have 4 of them (I'm taking all 4 & thinking of self-studying one this year.) I want to study biochem & then medicine.</p>

<p>SAT: haven't written it yet, but predicted is around 2200 :/
Race: South Asian (Indian)
Gender: F</p>

Library volunteer (9) - organized an art show/sale for local artists, children's section stuff
Hospital volunteer (10-present) - working with patients, visitors, training new volunteers
Teaching language class at place of worship (10-present) - set curriculum
President of school's international issues club (10-present) - organize events, fundraisers (lots of leadership involved in this, also dealing with administration... ugh lol)
Founded a club that aims to educate youth, raise funds & awareness for cancer (supports a larger community organization; 11-present); part of a larger youth network in the community - different schools have the clubs & we organize events independently... again lots of leadership involved
Started coat/can drives for local homeless shelter (10-11); working with an international UN-affiliated NPO
Sit on Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee (recently acquired position)
Founded a local youth volunteer network (11) - joins students with volunteer opportunities, has blog posts about issues that affect youth in the community & global issues as well
Volunteer at random school events (9-present)
Volunteered with a group in India this summer at a school for disabled children - teaching/playing with kids, school grounds maintenance & building a playground (SUCH a great experience)
Currently working on organizing a book drive that involves my entire school board... wonder how it will go! hopefully really well... I've spoken to the director of education & he supports it so... <em>fingers crossed</em>
Also currently part of the planning committee for Canadian Cancer Society's provincial leadership conference. I'm the youth rep, in charge of organizing the youth workshop (materials, speakers, etc)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your input. If there's anything I've missed I will add it on later.</p>

<p>Iā€™d post here: [What</a> Are My Chances? - College Confidential](<a href=ā€œ]Whatā€>Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>They chance people from all over; this forum is a bit more geared toward advising about Canadian colleges and universities.</p>

<p>Even if you get a 2200 SAT, Boston University and Michigan would be matches. Everything else would be a reach or out of reach. How do you and your parents plan to come up with the $55,000/year that BU and Michigan charge? Neither school gives need based aid to internationals.</p>