Chance me! 3.9 GPA, 33 ACT, Design Art or Cognitive Science/CS. Parents will only pay for Ivy's

I came back to this thread because I thought of another possible safety: Ursinus College in Pennsylvania. It offers a unique collection of majors and is one of the schools on the Colleges That Change Lives list.

I personally know someone whose child received a large merit scholarship to attend. She majored in data science (or something close) and went on to attend grad school at an Ivy.

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For Rutgers you use the same application for all of the schools (Mason Gross, SAS, etc) and you get a separate admissions and merit decision from each. Apply to any of interest.

We found it annoying during my son’s application season but that’s how they do things. It really highlights how major choice can impact merit. At other universities you might not know why two similar students got different packages but Rutgers makes it pretty clear.

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