Chance me and give me advice.

<p>High School GPA: 75% which translates to a...2.0? (Went to an outrageously bad high school and didn't know any better)
3 Semesters at Community College GPA (33 credits): 4.0</p>

<p>1st Generation College Student

<p>SAT Subject Tests
Math II: 800
Physics: 800</p>

Total: 2340
CR: 780
W: 760
M: 800</p>

Art classes taken from all sorts of schools, predominantly Parsons School of Art & Design (High School)
Scholarship Program at Parsons School of Design (High School)
Gallery of Art work shown at the National Arts Club of New York (High School)
Gallery of Art work shown at several Law Firms (High School)
Volunteered for Afterschool program for 6 months, probably about 75 Hours (High School)</p>

<p>Volunteer at hospital for 130 hours
Math tutor for middle school kids 30 hours
Robotics Lab for 1 semester (wasn't too fond)
2 science programs (one math, one biology) as Research Assistant w/paid stipend for 2 semesters
Summer Intensive NSF Bioengineering Research Program @ Princeton </p>

<p>I can get good recommendations, and my essays will be captivating for sure (I've been through some very unorthodox experiences...).</p>

<p>Chance me for: </p>

Boston University
John Hopkins</p>

<p>Suggest any colleges that offer biological sciences (preferably bioengineering) that are gratuitous with need based aid...</p>

<p>There’s a HUGE discrepancy between your SAT scores and your GPA. Is there a particular reason why? It isn’t often that I come across someone on these boards with a 2340 SAT, perfect SAT II’s, but a 75 GPA. With your scores, it is obvious that you actually have a lot of potential to earn a much higher GPA. I’ll be frank: your GPA is most likely going to keep you out of all three schools that you listed. When colleges see the “low GPA high SAT” combination, especially in a case as extreme as yours, “laziness” immediately comes to mind. </p>

<p>I’d highly recommend shooting a lot lower in terms of your college choices, but for the sole reason that your GPA is far too low. Pity, since your EC’s seem to be very focused too (the art thing is great).</p>

<p>Your GPA sucks (tbqh) but your test scores are outstanding. Your EC’s are pretty good too, although you don’t seem to have any leadership roles. The research internships and focus on arts are a plus, though.</p>

<p>The schools you listed are all top colleges and will be mid to high reaches, especially with your GPA. Other good biological sciences colleges are Stanford, Berkeley, Northwestern, and UCLA, though those may all be reaches as well.</p>

<p>More realistic colleges would be U of WA, U of IL at Urbana-Champaign, and possibly UC Davis and UCSD. I’m not sure what the financial aid status is at those colleges, though.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I forgot to add, since you are a first generation, Hispanic, and went to a really bad high school, you have the chance to write a great essay on your experiences. This probably won’t get you into an Ivy League, but it may raise your chances in less selective colleges that I listed.</p>

<p>So the one year and a half at community college doesn’t really help huh? I don’t think I made it apparent enough that I’m a transfer student, not applying from high school…or not.</p>

<p>And about my SAT, scores…I worked REALLY damn hard for about a year. The second I left High School, that was my biggest aspiration. >_< It’s actually one of the topics I was going to write about in my essays. I had taken the SAT in high school but only scored about a 1700.</p>

<p>As for shooting lower…I will. But I will not refrain from applying from MIT. That is the beacon of light for me. I have an MIT poster that I look at everyday, and I’ve even visited. My sudden burst of intrinsic admiration for science came the second I left high school and read books from Carl Sagan, George Polya, & Terence Tao, and several other books on Math and Science. The second I learned MIT was recognized as the best, I knew I had no choice but to apply there.</p>