interests: history/political science
Dartmouth (legacy- visited and 1st choice)
William and Mary
UCSB (in state)
UCLA (in state)
University of Washington
University of Maryland
UMass Amherst
34 ACT
4.24 W GPA
800 SAT II US history
690 SAT II literature (retaking)
5 AP Euro
5 AP Spanish
4 APUSH (subject test could make up for this?)
3 AP Seminar
pretty sure I’m ELC for UC system (top 9%)
California Scholarship Federation
National Honor Society
next year will be taking AP Econ, AP Research, and AP Calc AB
JV lacrosse- team captain (9 10)
Film club (10 11)
Link Crew (leadership and freshman orientation class) (11 12)
Peer tutor (11)
Camp Counselor (9 10 11 12)
volunteering at museum for CA history this summer
potential political internship in the fall
PS if you have recommendations about schools (especially safeties) to look into I would appreciate it!
What is your UW GPA? All schools weight differently, so your UW GPA is a better indication of your academic credentials.
Also, do you need financial aid? Keep in mind that out of state publics will not give you much, if any aid (except UVA, which meets full need if you are accepted).
My unweighted gpa for junior year I’m pretty sure is 3.95 (school doesn’t report). My UC gpa is 4.38 if that helps. Also, financial aid isn’t a concern.
I think you are in the ballpark for all of these schools. I am looking at similar schools so here are some additional schools you could look at: Emory, Northeastern, American University, Pepperdine University, University of Toronto (its in Canada), University of British Colombia (also in Canada)
For UW, I’d say that if you write a good essay, you are guaranteed an in-- good stats, ecs, etc. Good luck!
Have you run the NPC on rhe public universities where you’re oos? And shown the results to your parents?
Add Willamette and UPuget Sound as a safety and Whitman as a match, provided you express interest.
Why aren’t you including American, Georgetown, Macalester, Occidental?
UW Madison would probably be a good safety school for you (only hesitation is that you are OOS), Same goes for UIIC as long as your essays a decent
Willamette is a cesspool of human misery. I can go into as much detail as you want, but as a recent graduate I can honestly say that I can’t imagine a worse choice I could have made in my life than Willamette.