Chance Me / Application Discussion - Virginia Tech Class of 2024


General information for prospective Virginia Tech applicants Class of 2024:

  1. Virginia Tech accepts applications via the Coalition for College Access ( If you are only applying to Virginia Tech you do not need to fill out the academic record portion of the Coalition Application (see #3 below for that part). Application specific to Virginia Tech will be online sometime in August 2019.

  2. The coalition application for Virginia Tech has 4 response prompts (mini essays) that must be completed. If you do not complete all 4 responses they will not review your application. This is your way to impress and add your personality to the application. Note: For your application, VT has said they do not read any recommendation letters so no reason to send any.

  3. Once you have completed the Coalition application and submitted, you will get an application ID#. You must then complete the SRAR (Self Reported Academic Record) on the Virginia Tech website ( Your application will not be complete until this is completed (using the application ID# from your coalition application to link).

  4. Once you have completed your application and SRAR - check your application status on the VT website to make sure they are both received ( You have to sign up for guest access using information emailed to you when submitted application.

  5. Virginia Tech has 3 applications timeframes. Early Decision (binding - for those that have Virginia Tech as first choice), Early Action (not binding if accepted), and Regular decision. For the class of 2023 Virginia Tech accepted 20% of applicants early decision, 60% early action, and 20% regular decision. Applying regular decision severely hurts your chances of getting in as it just fills final empty slots in each major (so only apply early decision or early action).

  6. Virginia Tech has moved to a holistic acceptance, as most schools have, where grades and test scores are 60% of the decision making. The other 40% involves you essay responses, ethnicity, first generation college, VT Legacy, extra curriculars, work history, volunteering etc.

Official information from Virginia Tech here

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Given the increasing unpredictability of admissions results over the past several years:

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10-03-2017 at 2:24 pm edited October 2017 Accepted Answer
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Post edited by CCadmin_Sorin on October 2017

Hi Iā€™m a rising senior for fall 2019 and Iā€™m trying to see my chances for early decision at Virginia Tech. My gpa is a 3.9 (junior year has been tough) weighted and I have an SAT score of 1370 but Iā€™m trying to get it to the 1400 scale. Iā€™ve taken all honors and a couple of AP classes.
AP Stat
AP Bio
AP World history
AP Lang
and for senior year Iā€™m taking AB Calculus, AP Econ, AP Environmental, and AP Literature and the rest of my classes are either honors with my electives being Korean 4 and Business and Law Management.
I donā€™t have much after school activities but I am trying to become president of the Korean Student Association club. Iā€™m part of the international club, Womenā€™s Association Club, and Interfaith club, as well as our schoolā€™s ambassador program. I work part time after school and on weekends and Iā€™ve taught kids English while I was in Korea. The major I want to take is somewhere in business and definitely trying to minor in international business sometime later. Any thoughts?

Welcome to College Confidential and the Virginia Tech forum Jinnieyi!

As a business major I think you have a pretty good chance. Your 3.9 GPA is in range and your SAT is looking good as well. Remember - Virginia Tech superscores so if you take the SAT multiple times they take the best math and best verbal to create your score.

Be sure to focus on good short responses on your application. Get multiple friends/family members to read over them.

If Virginia Tech is your first choice I would definitely go with trying for Early Decision. It will most likely be a very competitive year next year with the overage in enrollment this year. You just never know - you can just try your best.

Best of luck!

Oh and i also work part time after school and on weekends!

I would highly recommend ED and it will really depend on your high school (if your instate) how many apply thereā€¦ this year at my kids high school they rejected amazing applicants but they had too many from his school applying.

Thank you for the reply! Iā€™ve heard that VTā€™s standards and getting harder and harder. Iā€™m at a school where many kids apply for VT so Iā€™m hoping ED will increase my chances of getting in!

Are you in-state? Is 3.85 GPA weighted or unweighted?

VT publishes a lot of admissions data, including at the college/departmental level:


ā€œIā€™m hoping ED will increase my chances of getting in!ā€


No worries. VT typically has around a 70%+ overall admit rate. Even with this yearā€™s over enrollment taken into consideration the rate next year will be easily 60%+. For instate students that means 70%. 1350 SAT instateā€¦ youā€™re good.

I believe you posted this same question earlier in the week - my answer is in the Chance me thread - which Iā€™m moving this one as well.

As a business major you have a good shot - but it will most likely be a good bit smaller freshman class next year so its going to be more difficult than the current year.

Hi! Iā€™m a rising senior as of fall 2019 and i was wondering what my chances of getting into Virginia Tech early decision is. I want to study business if that affects my chances of getting in at all as well!
My stats:

  • 3.85 gpa (low i know junior year has been rough)
  • 1350 sat
  • might plan on taking act, still undecided
    All honors during high school and a couple of APā€™s
  • AP World
  • AP Stat
  • AP bio
  • AP Lang
    and for senior year
  • AP econ
  • AP environmental
  • AP literature
  • AB calculus
    for after school iā€™m in
  • interfaith club
  • women of the world
  • international club
  • president of korean student association
  • i travel to korea pretty often, and summer 2018 i tutored some korean kids english
    Iā€™m really trying to focus on doing international business and a minor there if that will at all affect my chances of getting in


Are you in-state? Is 3.85 GPA weighted or unweighted?
itā€™s weighted.



No worries. VT typically has around a 70%+ overall admit rate. Even with this yearā€™s over enrollment taken into consideration the rate next year will be easily 60%+. For instate students that means 70%. 1350 SAT instateā€¦ youā€™re good.


i hope so. my senior friends this year told me that itā€™s getting harder by the year so iā€™m nervous. your reply definitely made me feel better though!


I believe you posted this same question earlier in the week - my answer is in the Chance me thread - which Iā€™m moving this one as well.


As a business major you have a good shot - but it will most likely be a good bit smaller freshman class next year so its going to be more difficult than the current year.

I did post it earlier but i couldnā€™t find the thread for some reason on my account! Thank you for the reply it really helped. I really do want to go into the Pamplin business college since VT has a really good study abroad program which helps tremendously for international business!

We did the Pamplin tour with my daughter and they appear to highly encourage study abroad - with a lot of information on.

As I mentioned in my original post above - donā€™t take the application process lightly. Really work on the short responses and be sure they answer the entire question they give not just pieces (it can be difficult with the short answer space). Keep in in the allowed word count but be sure answer all and get opinions from parents and friends on the essays.

I think next year is going to be a challenge for well qualified students and at 3.9 your in good shape if everything else looks good. Below a 3.8 and 1300 SAT I would start getting nervous.


We did the Pamplin tour with my daughter and they appear to highly encourage study abroad - with a lot of information on.
As I mentioned in my original post above - donā€™t take the application process lightly. Really work on the short responses and be sure they answer the entire question they give not just pieces (it can be difficult with the short answer space). Keep in in the allowed word count but be sure answer all and get opinions from parents and friends on the essays.
I think next year is going to be a challenge for well qualified students and at 3.9 your in good shape if everything else looks good. Below a 3.8 and 1300 SAT I would start getting nervous.


Thank you! Your reply definitely helps! Iā€™m trying to start application process a little early so that I can be as thorough with it as possible. For the short answer questions is there anything that I could possibly say about myself that would give me some sort of leverage? Like if I mentioned that I wanted to be in their study abroad program?

You can mention things like that as to what appeals to you at virginia tech if in context of question.

Just be absolutely sure to answer all the parts of the questions. The admissions officer on tour said that was one of the most common application mistakes.

I would also go tour vt.

You have a lot of good things going for you. GPA wise your locked in with applying with a 3.9.

Itā€™s probably going to be pretty rough going for some next year. With the Engineering Freshman class this year being overly large there bound to cut back some on acceptances next year. And computer science is in the Engineering department.

With a 3.9 your on the low end I believe - your going to need some things to prop you up. Things you can control would be a very aggressive senior year schedule from a strength standpoint. Also see if you can get that SAT up closer to 1400 to try and make up some for the lower GPA.

I would apply early decision binding if VT is your first choice. You want to get a look by admissions in as many rounds as possible.

Another possibility is BIT (Business Information Technology). Look up that major at Virginia Tech as it falls under the College of Business and you would have a lot better chance of acceptance there. I donā€™t know your true interests but BIT is not as math and programming heavy as CS (and with you struggling some in math you may find it a more logical choice). Check it out here

I think with your numbers, if you want to go to Tech you would have a pretty good shot going into program such as BIT outside of the Engineering department. But I donā€™t want to be discouraging - just have backup plans as well.

I was wondering if I have a good shot at getting into Virginia Tech for comp sci and what I can do to improve my application. Currently, I am a rising senior in Northern VA and will graduate in 2020.

SAT: 1300
GPA (weighted): 3.9
Class Rank: 120/678

Classes Junior Year:

AP Lang (A)
AP US History (B)
AP Computer Science Ā©
AP Computer Science Principles (A)
Precalculus/Functions Trig (B+)
Advanced Orchestra (A)
Physics I (C+)

Extracurriculars throughout HS:
Basketball(outside of school)
Swim(outside of school)
Martial Arts
Math Honor Society
Key Club
French Club
Technical Honor Society
South Asian Club (President)
Science Honor Society

Junior Year was kind of rough for me
My other two years I have mostly Aā€™s and a couple of Bs or B+s
Iā€™m know that my Cā€™s will negatively impact my acceptance
I currently have 6 weighted classes scheduled for senior year