Chance Me / Application Discussion - Virginia Tech Class of 2024

Thanks for the advice! I recently scheduled so this is my senior year schedule:

AP Lit (5.0)
AP Calc AB (5.0)
AP Human Geo (5.0)
AP Env. Sci (5.0)
AP Comp Gov (5.0)
PLTW Principles of Engineering (5.0)
Orchestra Ensemble/Chamber (4.0)

(This might be a dumb question but do colleges not see senior year gpa at all?)

Virginia Tech doesnā€™t look at senior grades. Especially with most colleges doing such early admissions processes they donā€™t even ask for senior grades.

Nice schedule though - that should be impressive when they review.

My son did apply regular decision to University of Richmond and they did ask for his first semester grades before they sent acceptance letters. So I imagine some schools do ask for 1st semester grades when they are reviewing regular decision applications (but I donā€™t think any ask for senior grades at application process). For those applying to early decision or early action there really arenā€™t any grades yet to ask for.

Anyhow - seems like at Virginia Tech they do not look at for anyone. As waitlisted people in past have asked admissions if they should send in their first semester grades to boost their application and VT has said no they do not want to look at.

A 33 ACT is very good however your gpa is low. Is that unweighted. I hate to predict based on gpa as some high schools can be very difficult and average low - vs some that over inflate. Do you know what % your gpa falls in your class?

Hard to predict not knowing if that gpa fairs well in your school. It sounds very low - but maybe thatā€™s not weighted. Your gpa and ACT donā€™t really match each other. I do know VT favors GPA a little over SAT/SAT.

I have a 3.3 gpa with a 28 ACT and also a 33 ACT score. I live in Minnesota and I have about 100 volunteer hours. I want to get into the College of Sciences here.
Thank you.

All sounds pretty good. Some may say 4.25 would prob be borderline with lower acceptance anticipated next year. But I think legacy should help you over the top.

Focus now on the short essays for the application and get family members or other you trust to read and grade them for you. Better your essays better to keep you on the right side of acceptance.

Best of luck.

And as vt superscores ā€¦ if you think you could get any better number like on the verbal sat section getting to 1500 is a good boost.

Im a rising senior as of fall 2019 and I was wondering what my chances of getting into Virginia Tech early action. Are there any suggestions for improving my chances. I want to study biomedical engineering:

In State (Northern VA)
GPA 4.25
SAT 1470, 760 Math, 710 Verbal
Highly rigorous high school and curriculum. 10 honors during high school and 8 APs

  • AP Physics
  • AP Lang
  • AP World History
  • AP Physics BC
  • AP Environmental Science or Honors Genetics
  • AP literature
    -AP Spanish
  • AB calculus

-National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Quill and Scroll (for yearbook)

  • attended two engineering courses over two summers - bio med at GW, and survey of engineering disciplines at Bucknell
  • three years as an editor of the yearbook
  • two years field hockey
  • tutored third graders in her elementary school for 2 years after school
    -has worked three summers at our local pool
  • VT legacy

Iā€™m a rising senior as of fall 2019 and I was wondering what my chances of getting into Virginia Tech early action. Are there any suggestions for improving my chances. I am going undecided to improve my chances

Out of State State
GPA of 3.2
ACT 30 (Superscore 31)
Highly rigorous high school and curriculum. 10 APs

  • AP Physics
  • AP Lang
  • AP Physics
  • AP Environmental Science
  • AB stats
  • AP Micro and Macro
    -AP Computer science
    -AP Us History
    -Ap Computer Science Principles

I will be trying my hardest for the first semester of senior to maximize my chances, also retaking the act

That gpa is low but act is good. How competitive is your school gpa wise ā€¦ I hate to make comments on gpa not knowing the competitive nature of your high school.

At this point getting act higher will help and really spending time on essays. Get feedback from those you trust in grading your essays.

If in a less popular major you may have chance but if your not in top 20% of your class I would say with that gpa you may have an uphill battle to get in. Undecided I donā€™t know how easy it will be considering they overaccepted undecideds this year and everyone thinks it la going to be a lot harder undecided (and engineering) going into next year.

For our school it is very competitive because we use the 100 point scale and getting to get a 4.0 means you have to get a 100, using naviance (a website where people from school have gotten accepted and their stats) the average was a B+, and I have a B, I am a little lower than the average.

I was hoping if I do a good senior year, will that help me with my admission? I will be aiming for a 93 GPA next year.

Are there any suggestions you have to boost my chances? Like taking subject test scores? I have time anything will help.

Also, I had an excruciating circumstance in 9th grade where I had to miss a lot of days of schools to a different country.

Thank You for the last reply!

Pushing your ACT score up (although pretty good already) and writing good essays are all you can do at this point. Hopefully you have a creative way to show the extenuating circumstances in your essays. Just be sure not to spend time on that so much you donā€™t fully answer all aspects of short answer questions. That is a mistake admissions said common in that with such short essays applicants will focus on one topic and not fully answer the multiple points of each question.

Your senior year grades arenā€™t going to factor into their decision. Your senior year strength of schedule only.

Iā€™ll then defer to others here if they have any suggestions.

Also - what major are you thinking eventually. I donā€™t know that university studies will be the easiest to get in next year.

I am hoping to do business as my major, but if I am considering doing a major that is less popular and then working my way up for the first 2 semesters to get a business major. Is this a choice that I could do?

Probably best then be undecided. Should be easier than business. You would have to take vote business classes as undecided and maintain required gpa to transfer into Pamplin then sophomore year.

Hi everyone! I love Virginia Tech and Iā€™m interested in their CMDA program to go into VT. It would be great if you guys could chance me and give me any more input on VTā€™s CMDA program. My school sent over 40 students to Virginia Tech this year.

In-State (NOVA) Legacy
Race: Asian
ACT: 34 SAT: N/A (PSAT: 1400)
Weighted GPA: 4.42 Unweighted GPA: 3.98
APā€™s Taken: Physics 1 (A-), Calc BC (A), Lang (A), Comp. Sci (A) World (A)

Extracurriculars/Related Awards
Varsity Tennis: No.1 Singles (Team Captain, MVP, All-Conference First Team)
Writing Center: Recruited 70 tutors in 2 months & National Conference Presenter (Class Award, Recruitment and PR Chair)
Student Welcoming Club: Welcomed 300 students yearly, represented state S2S programs at the National Conference (Treasuer)
Math & Science Honor Society (Secretary & President: Science)
Part-Time Job: Mathnasium Tutor
Technology Student Association: 5X Top 10 Regionals -3X Top 10 States

Other Academic and Random Awards
-Residential Governorā€™s School of Agriculture (Animal Science Major) Student at VT.
-HOBY State Ambassador (Current Regional Recruitment Chair)
-1st place (County) and 2nd place (District) PTA Reflections Music Composition
-2X Regional Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention

Summer Activities
-Governorā€™s School (Research project on food marketing) (Summer before 11th Grade)
-Data Science/Computer Science Internship at UMD. (Summer before 12th Grade)
Anything to suggest to make my application for VT stronger?

All your numbers look great. Keep up the good work.

Iā€™m out of state and have about a 101 GPA weighted. Iā€™m interested in Civil Engineering. I have taken college level engineering courses throughout high school with many honors and APs having straight Aā€™s. My ACT and SAT are my low spot with a 28 ACT Composite and a 30 in the math section and for the SAT a 1290 with 690 in math and 600 in Reading. I also am a member of 2 clubs, both being community service oriented, making me have a lot of hours. To add onto that Iā€™m in 3 honor societies (NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, and Language Honor Society). Lastly I have a part time job as an assistant for my family business.

My school doesnā€™t rank, but I was wondering what my chances were to get admitted into the engineering program for the class of 2024?


Itā€™s going to be competitive so anything you can do to boost your application will help. Your probably on the borderline of acceptance and non-acceptance where the holistic reviewed areas and essays can push you one way or another.

My advice: Take the SAT and ACT again. Virginia Tech superscores so if you get a better score in one section and lower in another then they will only look at the 2 highest numbers. Example: If you get an SAT 670 math and 650 reading next time - that would be a superscore of 1340 (690 math best and 650 reading best). I would look at doing again by September.

Be sure to list all your extracuriculars and work history in your application.

When you write the short response essays be sure to answer all the parts of the question (per admission its common for people to only answer one part of each topic and not hit on all the questions in each prompt). Have friends and family members you trust read/grade your essays. Donā€™t wait until the last minute.

If Virginia Tech is your #1 school then apply early admission. Otherwise apply early action - - do not wait and apply regular decision.

Welcome to the VT forum Cerave.

I think your in good shape unless you apply as Engineering or Biology. Those over accepted this year and are most likely to be much harder to get accepted into next year. I still think you may be fine with Biology major - or go in as undecided and transfer into Biology later.

If you donā€™t apply Early Decision (Binding) then definately apply Early Action. Also focus on your short answer essays - get friends/family you trust to read them and give you feedback. Be sure to answer the questions fully.

Hey Iā€™m currently a junior and Iā€™m thinking of applying to VT and planning to pursue the med track and based of the stats below I wanted to know my chances of getting in.

Gpa: weighted 4.08
Sat: ~ 1400

Algebra2trig HN : B
HN Bio: A-
HN English: A
HN History: A+
HN: Spanish: A+
PE: A+
Intro to business: A+

HN adv precalc/math analysis: B+
HN chem: A-
HN English: A
HN Spanish: A
Intro to Comp sci: A+
PE: A+
AP Calculus AB: B-
AP chem: C+ Ik p bad :frowning:
AP Lang: B+
Physics: A-
HN Spanish: B+
Extracurricular: Iā€™m a leader in robotics and model UN, and have started service based clubs; I have also participated in science Olympiad. I was able to get multiple awards in both science Olympiad and model UN. I have been volunteering at my local hospice and I have doctor shadowing experience. I swim for my communityā€™s swim team and have volunteered as a junior coach as well as volunteering as a basketball coach.

Hey thanks for the welcome!
I know pre med is considered a track not a major, however would it be possible for me to major in something else for example Comp sci and still pursue pre med?