Chance me at Boston College

Hello everybody, I was wondering what do you guys think about my chances to admission at the Boston College A&S school.

SAT: 1190 (4 tries, this was my top…)
GPA: weighted 3.63 — 4 on AP Spanish last year and taking AP enviro and AP calc bc this year
My GPA began an 83 cumulative freshman year but I’ve shown constant improvement with my average rising 2-3 points every year. I am now in my senior year with a 90.27 and a senior first quarter grade of 92.37

  1. I am an immigrant from Germany but have lived in the States for 13 years(I'm 17 now) I am German and Mexican and am trilingual.
  2. Working towards Eagle Scout, currently Life with only my project and 3 merit badges to finish.
  3. worked for freshman and sophomore years
  4. Took an Economics course at MassBay over the summer of 2019 and received a 134/130 I believe but it was definitely over 130/130

Recs: Both teachers very fond of me one of them wrote about my sense of community (he went to Dartmouth and taught me how to write papers) not sure about the other

what do you guys think

your test scores and likely class rank are below the typical BC admittee, so it remains in the Reach category. Hopefully, you have several safeties and matches on your college list.