Chance me at Ivies + Amherst and UChicago!

<p>As a long time high school counselor, don’t kid yourself. There are few mysteries in college admissions and I’m shocked your counselor would suggest there are. If you are not a national Achievement or Hispanic Scholar, few colleges will confuse you with an URM.</p>

<p>Okayy. I am just telling you what the file on the computer said. Thank you for your input.</p>

<p>I agree with everyone else that your swimming would be a major hook if you can be recruited. Your volunteerism is very nice, though I think that colleges like to see you stick to 1 or 2 places throughout high school instead of jumping all over the place. I could be wrong.</p>

<p>Your transcript is obviously excellent. Your SAT’s are great, but I would definitely recommend for you to take them again. This could really boost your chances.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>I did not know that was the case.</p>


<p>Thanks for all of your input! I got into Harvard :slight_smile: I will be attending. This is so exciting!</p>

<p>congrats! :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, you must be very proud. You offer a compelling case for admission to any school (obviously). The items on your resume that struck me (besides being a completely B.A. swimmer) were your volunteer efforts. Wuold you mind explaining a little how you were able to partake in such interesting efforts? These are not typical volunteer hours for the average HS student.</p>

<p>Volunteered in Mexico- School for the Deaf, Orphanage and Street children
Volunteered in Costa Rica- Schools in the slums of Nicaraguan immigrants
Volunteered in Africa- teaching in rural schools</p>

<p>Aww thank you guys :slight_smile: Those volunteer trips that you listed were actually taken in the summer. I sacrificed summer swim training to pursue my passions in those areas. I volunteered for about 3 months at each location. They were truly rewarding and helped me focus my wide array of interests. The other volunteer efforts listed were ones that I did throughout the school year. Please PM me if you want more information!:)</p>

<p>how does race affect it?</p>