Chance me at UW Madison

GPA: 3.7 uw 3.9 w
ACT: 27 but retaking over the summer
AP: Stats, Lang and Comp (2018) taking right now
Lit and Comp, Calculus AB (2019) planned classes next year
(4 out of the available 6 AP classes at my school)

EC: Volunteer at hospital with 200+ hours
Job Shadow with Physician 32 hours
Vice President of Senior class (2018-19 won election)
Student Council
VP of Spanish Club

National Honors Society
Secretary of Junior class (2017-18)
Working at landscaping company
Teach elementary kids Spanish during study hall this year and next year (not a class/volunteer)

Latino/Hispanic (Mexican)
US Citizen
Immigrant Parents (Both have bachelor’s degrees from Mexico) and own a business together
In State applicant
Won’t need financial aid
Attending rural high school
Premed/Molecular Biology
Thanks for helping me!

Match, maybe low match because you are in-state.

Ethnicity may help.