Chance me at UW Madison

I’m a female from Massachusetts who applied EA to UW Madison with an undeclared major.
GPA: 3.87/4 (weighted)
SAT: 1360
I took all honors and APs in high school.
3 on AP Euro, 3 on APUSH, 4 on Lang.
Taking AP Spanish, Psych, and Lit this year.

  • 4 years varsity cross country/ winter track/ spring track
  • multiple jobs both during the school year and over the summer (one of which I wrote my personal essay about)
  • band
  • theatre program
  • student council homeroom representative
  • peer leadership program
  • community service
  • National Honor Society
  • also attended the Massachusetts Girls State Program the summer going into my senior year.

pretty good chance I think. AP scores not helping you much but your EC’s seem strong. With good essays and letters of rec I think you have a decent but not guaranteed shot.

Could go either way- have backups.

I think you have a very good shot! If you have all APs and honors classes, your UW GPA will probably be higher than your high school GPA.

re above- the OP reports a weighted gpa. The gpa will be lower when taking away points for AP/Honors. Remember- applicants are expected to take the most rigorous curriculum available (this does not mean 100%, btw) and a student should get mostly A’s with some B’s, perhaps a C or so. Getting 3’s on AP exams means not doing that well, despite higher grading by the HS. Many EC’s does not make up for not doing well academically.