Chance Me!

W GPA: 3.733
ACT: 33
Took 6 APs (1 soph, 2 junior, 3 senior)
My GPA shows a positive curve with above a 4.0 W GPA my junior year
Math Team - 2 years
Show Choir - 3 years and Captain my senior year
Student Council - 2 years and Co-President my senior year
I have also worked two jobs as a sales associate at a local retailer and as a technician for my school for the last 2 years.
Minnesota resident
Applying for Physics major
Essays: Pretty Decent

Looks to me like you are in, your test score is gonna push you through and your ECs are great too.
By the way can someone tell me why there are so many UW-Madison posts lately? Just curious.

Your unweighted gpa counts. Since you took AP classes this gpa is lower. Your proposed major doesn’t make or break your admission chances but junior grades showing improvement can help. Extracurriculars do not replace stellar grades. Plus- you are expected to do well in the most rigorous classes your HS offers. Your ACT is great but perhaps your study habits are not as good. You need to have good study habits to succeed at UW, regardless of your ability.

btw- I often respond with info that will hopefully help those who read posts and can use information to help them with their future year applications. Anything we post here is too late to help those applying for 2017.