<p>GPA 4.47/4.0
Class Rank 4/770, Decent public school in California
Korean Male
APs: AP Bio 5, AP Euro 5, AP US history 5, AP Eng Comp (5), Ap calc (5) Ap Chem (3)
Senior Schedule: Ap Calc BC, AP environmental, AP Psych, AP econ, AP lit, Physio HOnors,
Symphony Orchestra
ACT: 32 (superscore)= this is the limiting factor for me ..... :(
sat II: 800 korean w listening, 780 math 2c </p>
<p>Key Extracurricular (or Hook?)
-Founded a instrumental quintet that performed at Kollaboration 11, the biggest
Asian-American talent showcase in America, as guest performers @ Nokia Theater (first high school students in history!) </p>
<p>-our varsity team won CIF D2 Swimming CHampionship (but I didn't swim ....so am I still a champion? ahaha) </p>
<p>My ACT score is horrible.. but please give me some feedback for my chances for Williams College</p>
<p>I have other EC’s (such as Founder of club HABIT (10th, 11th, 12th), NHS secretary (11th, 12th) and etc… but mostly of them are highly concentrated in music and swimming
Also, how important is ACT in such prestigious school as williams? Extremely important?
Thank you for your feedbacks!</p>
<p>If your admissions decision was purely based on numbers, you would be in without a doubt! But because it’s a liberal arts school, they place more weight on EC’s, recs, and essays than the state schools do. I agree with iusechopsticks about your EC’s because in your original description they did not sound very strong. Good to hear though that you did a lot for music and swimming and if you do your app well, they’ll see that. You really need to get awesome recs and write a killer essay! Your essay is the deciding factor for you right now on whether or not you will get in. Good luck :)</p>
<p>of a swimmer are you? Good enough to (a) be a key contributor / points scorer in NESCAC championship meet, (b) participate in the team but not score many points, or (c) barely if at all make the team? If the answer is (a), or even (b), you should DEFINITELY contact the coach, if you haven’t already, it would both help your chances and probably he would be able to give you feedback on your classes. Star musician plus star swimmer plus outstanding AP scores and amazingly tough schedule (which is really important for Williams and which I think will more than balance out your ACT score, which is not bad, just merely OK) will make you a very strong contender. Cutting against you at Williams, like at most schools, is being an Asian-American from California, but less of a detriment at Williams where the Asian population is not as overrepresented as at some peer institutions. If you are a big-time swimmer, I think your odds of getting in are very good, if not, I’d say roughly average for a Williams applicant.</p>
<p>I’ll just say that you don’t have to worry too much about your ACT. As long as you can compensate for it in other areas, ACT is just another standardized test. </p>
<p>However, everything about you lacks character, and you show off as just a typical Asian student with good GPA and Standardized Test (APs I mean) scores. Remind you, there are tens of thousands who have similar stats as you do. It is a matter of what you have beyond your grades. What do you plan on writing in your essay? What other ECs you have that you have committed your time to? What awards and volunteer work -colleges love them- have you done? And what contributions do you think you can make to the Williams community if you were to get in? The last question in particular is absolutely vital in admissions, as the admissions officers place emphasis on creating a spectacular college community -hence the importance of diversity and backgrounds/</p>
<p>If you get an essay that shows much about yourself, you stand some chance.</p>
<p>But I believe Williams is a High-Reach/Dream for you. I gave up also knowing that reality…</p>
<p>P.S. Your Korean SAT II score won’t count…</p>
<p>Mind chancing me back for Middlebury?</p>
<p>*Edit: I will adjust your chances as being low-reach if you do have something characteristic of yourself or a huge community involvement/acknowledgement. But remember that Williams is never a match for anyone save for those who have fabulous stats and accomplishments.</p>
<p>Thank you all for your feedbacks!
Also… my family’s income is relatively low (under 23k, family of 6).
Does that work against me for the application?</p>
<p>That would work “FOR” you, not against. But have you gotten through the essay writing process yet? What do you plan on writing about and how good is it? Also, how strong are the letters of rec? I cannot give you an accurate chance analysis unless you provide me with more details.</p>
<p>*Also, please answer some of my questions in my previous posts:P</p>
<p>A 32 ACT isn’t bad, so you stand a chance. You do, however, need to take another SAT Subject Test. Since your first language (that is the language you first learned) is likely Korean, that subject test doesn’t count. That’s kind of like European Americans taking an English w/ Listening subject test that tests understanding of phrases such as “I went to the mall yesterday.” And Williams requires two subject tests along with the SAT or the ACT.</p>
<p>You might want to do some research on this, but I read somewhere that the rule of thumb is you shouldn’t take the subject test on your first language because that would be an easy 800.</p>
<p>I do not want to sound racist, but Williams does not accept a lot of Asians. I believe their Asian population is less than 10% which is much lower than other top schools. I had an Asian friend with similar stats to yours but with a 2290 on SATs and got rejected ED. I think you have a good shot but keep the race factor in mind. Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah I heard Williams has less than 10% Asians. Is it because they don’t ACCEPT a lot of Asians? or is it because Asians tend to go for “big name” schools?</p>