Chance me at Williams

<p>Planning to E.D or R.D at either Amherst, Bowdoin, Williams or Pomona, split between all and hoping I could get into all. I really like Williams because it has a great social scene and great academics. I am going to one of the best public high schools in NJ.
-African american student that wont need financial aid. Both my parents were born in Ethiopia </p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA is 3.7 and weighted 4.1</p>

<p>-SAT math-760 reading-700 writing-700</p>

<li><p>SAT 2 math c1- 720 US History- 720 Chem- 700 I'm planning on taking math c2 soon. </p></li>
<li><p>ap chem-4 </p></li>
<li><p>ap bio-4</p></li>

<p>-ap us history2-4</p>

<p>Senior year: AP CALC, AP ECON, Honors physics, cpe english and history</p>

Varsity basketball and lacrosse- goalie for lacrosse </p>

<p>Witness for mock trial</p>

<p>spanish club</p>

<p>Envirmental club</p>

<p>Chem team</p>


<p>200 plus hours tutoring under privalage kids </p>

<p>Peer tutuor at high school</p>

<p>Holiday festival </p>

<p>Boys and girls club</p>

<p>Started a lacrosse program at boys and girls club</p>

<p>Working on opening up a Boys and girls club in Africa</p>

<p>Certified with CERT, CPR and hospital training</p>

<p>Spent one summer at Center of talented development and another summer in Center of talented youth </p>

<p>Essays on being one of the only African Americans in my school and lacrosse program and my other essay is about my help in opening up a boys in girls club in Ethiopia </p>

<p>Will get great recommendations from my teachers</p>

<p>Any advice is helpful, please be honest and thank you.</p>

<p>Williams is a reach for anyone.</p>

<p>I know that but do you think I have a good chance</p>

<p>You might have a chance.</p>

<p>If you apply E.D., you will almost surely be admitted. Even R.D., I put your chances at 75 percent or greater. Williams is NOT a reach for you given your profile.</p>

<p>If I go with that information given then I could say low match in ED, high match in RD.</p>

<p>Catria, you are incorrect. Very, very, very few (if any) students with this type of profile ā€“ 1470 SAT, African American, strong academic record at a top high school, athlete, child of immigrants, CTY, strong community service record ā€“ will ever be denied acceptance at Williams, Amherst, Pomona, etc. This applicant is the dream candidate for any admissions officer. Iā€™d say nearly a lock for admission, but anything is possible, so I estimated conservatively.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies</p>

<p>bumpp really need to know if I am capable off getting in or what i need to improve.</p>