Chance Me: Average/below average student in a very strong high school. [MD resident, 3.63, sports management, journalism, communications, marketing]

US domestic

  • State/Location of residency: Maryland
  • Type of high school: Public, extremely competitive
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: Male, White, Jewish

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.63
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.06
  • Class Rank: N/A
  • ACT/SAT Scores: Test optional

AP psychology, B in class 3 on exam.
Taking AP lit in the fall
Taking Spanish 3 in the fall
Took resource class Freshman-Junior year, will not take in senior year


-Coordinate with co-leader to spearhead fundraisers and raise awareness for families whose kids receive treatment at Children’s Hospital.

-Work at a farm market since freshman year where I Interact with customers, manage cash and electronic purchases, stock shelves when necessary, re-plant, and light manual labor.

-Served as beta-tester for ed-tech startup company. Review educational content and provide feedback in a timely manner.

-Play on a community baseball team where I Practice and compete in local games, attend workouts, motivate and encourage teammates.

  • Was a CIT at a 5 week sleep away camp where I Oversaw camper bunk, responsible for health and safety of campers, instilled camp traditions and values, communicated with camp director and parents.

-Participated in week long journalism experience at The University Of Maryland, met with sports broadcasters and journalists, attended lectures, wrote articles.

Have 3 LOR’s from my AP psych teacher, Astronomy w/physics teacher, and my English teacher

**Cost Constraints / Budget:
Please disregard for the time being

*(List of colleges by your initial chance estimate;

  • Safety: ASU, University of Arizona, Appalachian State University

  • Likely * Michigan State University, James Madison University,

  • Reach* Penn State University, University of Maryland, College Park, Indiana University Bloomington, University of South Carolina,

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“For the time being” – does this mean that you may have to redo your entire list later when your parents give you a price limit that most or all of your list exceeds?

Intended or possible majors?

No, it means that my parents have a sizable amount of money put away for college and these are all feasible schools. Finances will play a role in determining where I go once I get in. Intended majors are sport’s management, journalism, communications, marketing.

Good luck, you seem realistic with your chances. Strong applications and recommendations will help.

Check out Sports Comunication at Clemson and the Academic Common Market. Maryland participates with some southern states. For majors you can’t find in Maryland, you might receive in state tuition in SC.

Also check out Coastal Carolina.

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You may want to change the cost constraint / budget section in the initial post to something like:

“My parents have a sizable amount of money put away for college and these are all feasible schools. Finances will play a role in determining where I go once I get in.”

because wording like “for the time being” is often seen here as meaning that the student has not gotten a clear budget from the parents, and could end up being set up for an unpleasant budget surprise later.

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Ok. First time posting here so I appreciate it!

Is your gpa really average/below average at your school or are you exaggerating? If true, that indicates severe grade inflation at your school and could impact your chances. For comparison, my son was average (right at the 50th percentile at his school) and his gpa was about 3.2.

Assuming you are actually above average at your school, and assuming no budget issues, I think your list is pretty reasonable.

Please let me know what you think about my chances for schools listen when you are able.

I think my GPA is probably around average for my school, however my rigor of classes is definitely below average. I’ll only be graduating with 2 AP’s while most people in my school take 2/3 per year. That is probably my main concern.

Arizona State University and University of Arizona are safeties for admission to the campus, assuming you meet the course requirements, since both admit at 3.0 HS GPA.

At Arizona State University, some majors have higher admission requirements, but none of business (sports business), business (communication), communication, or journalism has higher admission requirements than general campus admission requirements.

Both may have scholarships for stats.


University of Maryland admits nearly all of its class in Early Action. So if you apply there, apply Early Action, because likelihood of admission is greatly diminished if you apply after that.


Thank you. Very helpful. Please let me know if you have any other info on any other schools listed.

Not sure App is a safety or JMU is a likely. IU is a likely.

Check ASU Cronkite for the major.

As you are Jewish, if you want another option, look at Alabama (yes, a relatively large Jewish population, huge OOS population and a safer for a Jewish student. WVU and Ohio U might be two others. Miami of Ohio too.

Your cost comment is odd - if finances will play a role once you are admitted - if your folks don’t want to pay full OOS, you need another in state because UMD is highly unlikely and aid at others is highly unlikely. Maybe a small stipend from an AZ school ($12500 at Arizona). So a UMBC, Towson etc.

Did you take a test ? If so what is your score ?

Did not take a test. Ruled out Alabama, WVU, Towson, and Miami of Ohio.

Why is aid at others unlikely?

Also I never said my parents don’t want to pay OOS. It’s just going to be a matter of what the price difference is like.

Look at full pay at your schools. With your low-ish gpa and no test - aid is unlikely. So you are full pay. U of A is $12.5k assured at your gpa. ASU do their scholarship estimator.

Maybe Mich State gives you a bit.

I don’t see anyone else giving you $$.

My point is - if one is $40k (UA) and one is $55k and that matters to your folks, then you know you’re going to Arizona etc. if it doesn’t then no worry.

Surely you can find another in state IF cost will be a concern. You say it deiends on the price difference to OOS. Assume UMD is a no. So this question won’t matter unless you find another and you’ll already know the price dufference at a Umbc vs JMU full etc.

You are sort of speaking out of both sides.

We are affluent but finances will play a role. Assume full pay at all and see if they are ok.

Have you looked at Ohio U, Mizzou for your majors ? UTK now has a sports journalism thing but not the best for Jews. Bama would be better but u ruled it out.

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Also forgot to mention- SC is part of that Academic Common Market with MD, so if I got in as a sport management major I would be eligible for in state tuition. What do you think my chances are there?

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That would be The University of South Carolina

This is sound advice. UMD is a reach.
Lots of students with top grades and rigor were rejected by UMD Smith for business last year.
The OP says he lacks rigor and test scores.

I am (perhaps overly) optimistic OP could be admitted under UMD’s Freshman Connection for journalism or humanities. But he could just as easily not be admitted, that is why it is a reach.