Chance Me: Average/below average student in a very strong high school. [MD resident, 3.63, sports management, journalism, communications, marketing]

My D24 has a friend whose brother is at App State. Not sure what his major is, but he is very into Sports Broadcasting and was able to jump right into that there. Sporty outgoing kid, good but not great grades in high school. He loves it there. I could see this being a very likely admit for you.

Much better weather than Arizona if you are OK with cold/snow in the winter (not unusual to still be seeing snow at spring break, 4wd recommended on nearby roads). Area is rural/isolated and both the area and the campus are not diverse at all.

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What about other in state Maryland public universities?

Didn’t like Towson or UMBC.

Are you prepared to seek help at the college tutoring center once you get to college? And go to professor office hours for explanations? And attend study groups if that is an option.

I guess you will find out if this extra support class is something you need
when you don’t any longer have it.

If you have an IEP (you don’t have to tell us here), you are required to have a transition plan for post high school. If this is the case, as a HS student, you should be actively involved in this.

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I don’t know if need another school on your list, but Elon has a nice sports management program and is a little closer to home. It is of course a beautiful school and prides itself on its resources to help students who need extra help. You would be an extremely strong candidate for admission (and merit aid is a definite possibility). And while it is not a priority, it has a Jewish population of about 12% and an active Hillel if that’s something that ever appeals to you. Good luck!


His grades are too low for Clemson. He’s maybe in the 50th percentile of his class, Maryland publics tend to have lots of high gpas. I agree that Maryland is a reach worth pursuing and Towson would be a good target/likely.


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