Chance Me - Business Student for MIT, Cornell, Penn, UMD, USC, WashU

Hi all! I already did one of these at the end of my junior year, but I have some updated stats and slightly tweaked my college list. I think I’m doing this out of stress for USC decisions tomorrow, but I would love to see what you guys think about my chances for the places I applied to. Note, there are not that many safeties because I am perfectly fine with going to UMD, and my parents are willing to pay full for all of the schools that I’ve applied to.


  • US citizen
  • State/Location of residency: MD
  • Type of high school: public, title 1 school, STEM magnet program
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: female, asian, chinese/viet

Intended Major(s)
Business Administration

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA: 4.76/5
  • Class Rank: 5/346
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1520 (720 reading, 800 math)

by the end of senior year will have 12 AP classes

  • APES (4)


  • World (4)
  • Bio (4)
  • Stat (5)


  • APUSH (4)
  • Calc AB (5)
  • Physics C: Mech (3 - didn’t submit)
  • Lang (4)


  • Lit
  • Calc BC
  • Comp Sci A
  • Psych
    Math: 4 years (have taken linear algebra and math logic electives)
    English: 4 years
    Science: 3 years
    Foreign Lang: French 4 years
    Doing an independent research project at a nearby army base through school (engineer/CAD related, nothing to do w/ my major but I find it interesting but not enough to pursue it in college)


  • AIME x2 qualifier (2020, 2021)
  • UMD high school math competition part 2 qualifier (2021, 2022)
  • FBLA national qualifier (personal finance - 2022, business calculations - 2021)
  • FBLA regional champion - securities and investments (currently)
  • All County Orchestra (2022, 2023)
  • Honor roll (all quarters)


  • FBLA (soph, junior, senior): nationals qualifier, club VP
  • Key Club: (freshman, soph, junior, senior): 50+ volunteer hours, treasurer (junior), president (senior)
  • Swim (freshman, soph, junior): varsity all years
  • Orchestra (freshman, soph, junior, senior): school, youth group, all county (all high chair)
  • Part-time job: over a 1.5 years
  • Math Honor Society (soph, junior, senior): VP (senior)
  • French Honor Society (soph, junior, senior)
  • Online math tutor for middle school math
  • UMD AI residential camp (for URM)
  • BOLD@Olin: summer camp at for women interested in business


  • Essays: wrote about google maps + experiences that have made me who I am as a person, I think it’s quite unique and it highlights my intellectual curiosity, my personality, what I like to do outside of school

I wouldn’t consider it amazing, but I’m happy with what I’ve written


  • AP Bio teacher (8/10): was the only one who participated in online school and the only student to come physically into class, I still talk to her whenever I see her, wrote me a letter of rec for a selective-ish summer camp and will attend this summer
  • APUSH teacher (7.5/10): participate regularly in class, I have a feeling that he likes me
    *Counselor (5/10): not counting on it, I have interacted with her a few times, but idk

Cost Constraints / Budget
Parents are willing to pay

(List of colleges by your initial chance estimate; designate if applying ED/EA/RD; if a scholarship is necessary for affordability, indicate that you are aiming for a scholarship and use the scholarship chance to estimate it into the appropriate group below)

-UMBC (EA - accepted)
-UMD (most kids in magnet program usually get in) (EA)

-USC (EA - applied to BCA program, 2nd choice is Business Administration)
-Georgetown (EA - got accepted!)
-Penn (ED - deferred)

I thought you can’t apply ED to UPenn if you apply EA to Georgetown-Gtown EA is restrictive. If they find out your acceptance could be rescinded since you didn’t follow the rules and signed off you understood you could not ED to another school.


I was coming here to say the same. You were not permitted to apply ED to Penn and EA to Georgetown. Did you/your parents and your guidance counselor not understand the ED contract?

You have a wonderful acceptance in Georgetown. Any additional acceptances will be gravy.


Cornell has two schools within the College of Business and both have significantly different acceptance rates. Did you apply to Dyson or the school of Hotel Administration?

You seem competitive for every school on your list - but every school is a reach for most all.

I know you want definitiveness - but only a school can do so at this point.

Good luck.


This was the second time I saw anyone applied GU EA and Penn ED. The first guy even posted on youtube and apparently all you have to do was apologizing after the fact (see comment section)

It’s just wrong. My DD applied somewhere restricted EA which limited her to apply anywhere ED or EA to any private schools. Not living by ethics will catch up to people sometime in their life. It may not be college admissions but sometime in their life.


Or he could have been rescinded at both schools.


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