Chance me: c/o 2024 poli sci major


  • us citizen
  • State/Location of residency: pa
  • Type of high school: public, sorta competitive
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): white female

Intended Major(s): poli sci

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.73 (idk weighted and no class rank
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1380 sat (710 reading, 670 math)

9th: max number of honors classes
10th: aphg (5), ^^
11th: apush, calc ab, lang, psych, honors physics
12th: apes, stat, spanish, no honors oops

(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)
youth and government (10-): (basically like a mock state government) multiple statewide and clubwide leadership positions, led lots of community service with my club

model un (10-): club vp, will prob be president next yr, almost all new ppl so ive had to teach debate, make resources, etc…

political advocacy group (11-): helping to fix bad conditions in local prisons by reaching out to local officials

cona (10-??): (national version of youth and gov) chosen as 1 of 25 out of 300+ in my state, placed in top 25% at the conference

academic decathlon (11-): founder and president

camp counselor (10-): work with elem school girls to teach relational skills and help them prepare for middle school, mentored the first group of a new program that focused on social media and helped design some of the curriculum

job (9-): mostly during the summer, work at a food stand, might get promoted this summer but idk yet :frowning:

teacher assistant (11-): pretty self-explanatory lol, meet twice a week for a period but idk if i’ll be allowed to put it on my app

humanities club (11-): club member

spanish club (11-): ^^^


3 mun awards from a local conference

cona premier delegation

basketball team sportsmanship award from 9th grade lollll

honor roll 10th grade #smarty pants

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)
Essays: decent??? I think I’m a pretty good writer but not like amazing
LoR: one really good, one generic


  • Safety: Penn state, udel (legacy but oos… prob cancels out lol), umn
  • Match: Syracuse, pitt, tcu, fordham
  • Reach: nyu, gwu, ucsb, umiami, sdsu, umd

I think you’re competitive and your list looks balanced. Good luck :+1:t3:


Agree with the above comment.

Just be sure the options all appear affordable if you haven’t done so already (talk to your parents about budget, run net price calculators).

I’d also add that where possible I’d apply non-binding EA and/or rolling admissions so you get some answers by December. In the unlikely event that you don’t get acceptances EA/rolling then you can add another safety or two.


SDSU and UCSB are test blind and you will be Full pay so make sure these schools are in budget.


Exactly - what’s your budget ?

And for the privates run the net price calculator if you have affordability concerns.

What are your career goals with your Poli Sci degree? Grad school? Law School? Public Policy, Public Administration? May make a difference with respect to undergrad location for internships and other opportunities.

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