Chances me please!

I wanted to know what you think my chances would be for some schools. I'm currently a junior. My top choices (probably a high reach) are Columbia, Brown, American U, and Georgetown. But what are my chances for those schools and some other schools like Penn State or any good schools but less prestigious. Here's some info:
I'm in a scholar program at my school btw so some of the classes I've taken aren't honors but above it. </p>

<p>GPA: I think my cumulative is a 3.8 unweighted.
Rank: top 3 percent</p>

<p>Classes i've taken:
-AP U.S. politics and government -Ap score: 5
-AP Biology (currently taking)
-AP world (currently)
-AP lang (currently)
-AP calc AB (currently)
- Geometry (scholar program)
-Biology (scholar program)
-Chemistry (scholar Program)
- English 9 & 10(Scholar program)
-Algebra 2 trig, pre calc</p>

-Appointed to State youth council by the President of the Senate
-Youth advisory council member for another state program
-National honors society
-Student government association senator (2 years)
-a community service organization at my school
-a female community service and leadership organization at my school
-Student board member of my county's education coalition started by my state's senator (only high school student on the board, and i lead a committee)
-i did track for 1 year, i did cheerleading for 1 year.</p>

<p>Other info:
I write for my city's local newspaper
I had an summer human resources internship at a hospital
I have 60 community service hours
I've been on honor roll my whole life
I plan to take AP literature, AP statistics, Ap comparative government, and either AP spanish or AP physics next year.
I went to a women's political leadership summer conference at American U (got a scholarship)</p>

<p>I'm thinking i should probably get more community service hours before i graduate. Would 100 hours in total be good? and i know i should probably run for office in school but i'm a pretty shy person and i can't seem to muster up the courage to run but i hold leadership positions in organizations outside of school would that be ok?
And i know i'll get my gpa up.
What else can i do to have a better chance of getting into some of those schools or maybe other schools (like Duke)?
And i'm kind of worried that since i don't do any sports now that might be a downfall but i'm just not an athletic i guess for a hobby i could say playing the piano, but I'm not extremely advanced or anything because i can't really afford music any advice on how to make my application better?</p>

<p>I don’t really know if getting 40 more hours of volunteering will really help. Plus, you should be helping your community because you want to, not because it’ll make you look better. I’d say Columbia and Brown are really high reaches. Duke and Georgetown are within reach. You can certainly help your app by getting 2200+ on the SAT. Try to find the courage to get into some leadership positions at school. Coming off as shy and wavering doesn’t put you in the best light. Not everyone plays sports, so you’re fine in that respect.</p>