Chance Me (COLUMBIA, UChicago, Tufts, Gtown, UPenn)

<p>Public CT high school
Basic stats: female, Pakistani
SATs: 2230 (760 CR, 720 Math, 750 W)
SAT2s: Bio 750, US 760, will take Math2 as well
PSAT: Jr yr 211 (Nat'l Merit Commend.)
GPA (UW): 3.84, top 5% of class, but idk exact rank
Freshman & Soph yr: took as many Honors as possible
Jr yr courseload: AP Stat (4), Honors Precalc, AP English 11 (5), AP US (5), Honors Physics, AP Bio (5)
next yr's courseload: AP Calc AB, AP English 12, AP US Gov & Politics, AP Chem, AP Spanish, Writing Center</p>

Academic Honors & Awards
some school academic recognition award for eng/history, 2005
some latin award, 2005
Governor’s Scholar Award Semi-Finalist, 2007
National Merit Commendation, 2007
National Honor Society, 2007 (elected Service Coordinator)
will be AP Scholar w/ Honor</p>

<p>School Activities
School Newspaper, 2005-Present (Copy Editor 10th, News Editor 11th, Viewpoint Editor 12th??)
Model United Nations, 2004-Present (Co-Founder/Co-President)
National Honor Society, Early 2007-Present (Service Coordinator)
Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council, Early 2007-Present
Future Business Leaders of America, 2006-Present</p>

<p>Community Activities
American Red Cross, 2005-Present
Red Cross Youth Corps, 2006-Present
Young Democrats, Early 2007-Present (Internet Communicator)
Stamford Museum & Nature Center<br>
Junior Achievement (this Business program - very cool), 2006-Present (Vice President of Public Relations 11th, Company of the Year Runner-Up, Winner of Vice President of Public Relations of the Year, Winner of Scholarship for weeklong summer business program at UCLA, Vice President of Marketing 12th??)
volunteer at some Hospital, Summer 2005
newly formed youth group, Early 2007-Present (Community Service Coordinator)
will probably be doing campaigning for Obama's campaign outside of my job (see below)</p>

<p>Work Experience (all unpaid...)
Intern at this political campaign, summer 2006
Intern at Red Cross, summer 2007
High School State Coordinator for my state for Students for Barack Obama, March 2007-Present</p>

Fluent Urdu
Spoken Hindi I guess
Conversational Spanish</p>

brother went to Columbia (SEAS...I want to go to C.College)</p>

<p>thanks people</p>


<p>Reaches: Columbia, Georgetown, Upenn, UChicago
Match/Low Reach: Tufts</p>

<p>Your brother will not give you any weight in the admissions process unfortunately. You have a great SAT score and great AP scores. But there are thousands of girls from CT with great scores. Thousands.</p>

<p>Statistically you have a better shot at Tufts and Georgetown than at the others. Some would say that UChicago is a match, but there's no way to gauge that because admissions is largely based off how you complete the UnCommon application.</p>

<p>Odds are you'll get one of the schools on your list. But Columbia College is a pretty big reach for anyone and unfortunately your scores don't guarantee you a spot.</p>

10 char</p>

<p>All of these are toss-up reaches. You could get in, depending on whether you're read before or after the coffee break. I agree that the most likely school on your list is Tufts. No promises though.</p>

<p>With Chicago, I think that the relationship between the quality of the essay and admittance is not causative, but correlative. In other words, Chicago won't ooh and aaah over your essay and ignore the rest of your application, but rather that a person who is a good fit for Chicago will write an outstanding essay.</p>

<p>(That's not saying that Chicago kids are brilliant, but rather that they love to work, be weird, and face up the challenges that the questions create).</p>

You could get in, depending on whether you're read before or after the coffee break.


<p>ugh sad but true</p>

<p>If you apply EA to Chicago, it is a match. I got in there with no problems. My essays were good but by no means amazing. I had similar test scores. Until the school just broke top 10 on us news, everyone would say it was a match. Nothing has changed except a meaningless ranking. It still accepts over 30 percent of its applicants. It sat median is a 1425 which is right around the lower ivies.</p>

<p>do I have a good chance at Columbia ED? it's my first choice.</p>

<p>^You have a shot but it is unlikely. You'll probably be deferred.</p>

<p>Columbia: reach/High Reach
U Chicago: Reach
Tufts: High Match
G town: low reach
U Penn: reach/high reach</p>