<p>I am a young senior (15). I have 40+ hours of college credit, including completion of a Spanish minor. High school gpa 4.0, college hours gpa 4.0. Unranked school. National merit semi-finalist (99%). </p>
<p>AP US History 5
AP World History 5</p>
<p>SAT II Math II 760
SAT II Chinese 640 (I am not of asian descent, not a native speaker, just take it via independent study)</p>
<p>SAT I
730 Math
760 Reading
730 Writing</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: Varsity soccer - goalkeeper, 3 years, National Honor Society (officer), Backstage manager for props for a youth ballet company, Relay for Life fundraising officer, active in church</p>
<p>Employment: Spanish tutor (high school students), translator for a business (Chinese translations), Supplemental Instructor in Accounting I and II at the college (teach help sessions, homework help, teach class if the teacher is absent)</p>
<p>Did your mom just skip you two grades thats gotta suck. I’d say you stand a good chance unless you come across an adcom who doesnt like people who skip grades.</p>
<p>I started school early because I was in a private school then I combined two high school years because I started high school classes in 6th grade (private school again). It’s not bad. Nobody really knows I’m young. My sister and dad did it too. We’re not really that smart, but get bored easily! Even in my college classes I don’t think anyone realizes that I’m not really college age. Lucky I guess . . .</p>
<p>You probably have a good chance…you match up with lots of kids in my school applying to Dartmouth. The one thing I’d say you’re lacking are APs…but that may be because your school doesn’t offer many. Good luck though!</p>