chance me early decision??

<p>applying to wharton</p>

<p>Public nationally accredited competitive high school</p>

<p>Asian female</p>

<p>3.42 gpa uw
4.25 gpa w
top 25%</p>

<p>2140 SAT score
700 math II
730 literature</p>

<p>will have taken 7 APs
three "4"s and one "5" on AP exams taken</p>

<p>good ECs, editor of literary magazine, big on arts, leader of amnesty international</p>

<p>great essays</p>

<p>good (not great) rec letters</p>

<p>Your gpa, SAT II’s, and AP scores aren’t very competitive.</p>

<p>yea not great chances sorry</p>

<p>the 3.42 UW gpa and your rank are gonna hurt you</p>

<p>Your 3.42 gpa and rank will hurt your chances. The 700 math ii score isn’t going to be looked upon favorably especially for Wharton.</p>

<p>Wow, you are pushing it. I’d say realistically, unless you have ridiculously good essays and strong EC activities, I’d give you about an 11% chance. Everything works except that GPA.</p>

<p>nationally accredited high school??? likeee “no child is left behind” at your school? haha its just funny cause im pretty sure any public school is accredited haha. whether or not it is Nationally ACCLAIMED might be a different case haha. I’m just messin with ya though i know what ya meant… you got a good shot bud</p>

<p>i wouldnt give 11% rate because thats close to the overall acceptance rate… how about 2%</p>

<p>Well I think if her essays are super OUTSTANDING…you never know. Haha.
Plus she never listed her specific ECs…</p>

<p>Hey, my friend had almost identical stats as you do (she was Asian too!), and guess what? She was accepted. She wrote this ridiculous essay about how she empregnated a cow with bull sperm. </p>

<p>The truth is-- most applicants have virtually identical numbers when it comes to any selective college. It’s the uniqueness of your written information and sometimes the interview that pulls you away from the edge. “It’s all about the diversity.”</p>

<p>The truth is-- most applicants have virtually identical numbers when it comes to any selective college. It’s the uniqueness of your written information and sometimes the interview that pulls you away from the edge. “It’s all about the diversity.”</p>

<p>if you already know this why are you even posting a chance thread? i dont know i dont mean to be a dick but whats the point of asking for chances/opinions when your just gona get defensive about it lol</p>

<p>There is no “11%” or “2%” chance. Either you are good enough for the school or you are not. 11% suggests that if the OD applies 10 times, she will get in once. However, an applicant that gets 9 times is clearly not a competitive applicant for the school and will continue to get rejected every time she applies, giving her a 0% chance. There is no law of large numbers at work here; this is not a random process like a dice roll.</p>

<p>i’m not good with chances, but i DO know that if you DONT apply…
you have zero chance… (cue for people to go "no s___ sherlock)
I’m in almost the same situation as you… i know my chances of getting in are slim… but hey… who knows?</p>