Chance Me: FL South Asian Senior Applying for Mat Sci In Most Top Colleges [Rank 1/872, 4.0 UW, 36 ACT, NMSF ]

I am curious about this because do they really? Aren’t high school students expected to demonstrate a broad proficiency? High school curriculum is that way by design, which is why they have things like 4 years of English, 4 years of Math, 4 years of foreign language, an arts class, etc.

I am not trying to challenge your point, but I am genuinely curious if colleges really expect high school students to “specialize” (beyond the normal preferences some students develop for certain subjects)? Because that seems really odd to me. It seems to me that high school is precisely the time to be a jack of all trades - with college and grad school the time to master a more narrow subject area.

But I certainly agree that 26 APs is…a lot.

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if you want to see my linkedin for confirmation of these opportunities, i dont know if this has direct message but ill find a way, none of these are exaggerated and im putting time into them

I would not suggest you share your LinkedIn which has your name, etc with strangers on the internet. My opinion!

yeah i understand, i just dont appreciate the fact that people believe that this is lying as i preferred honest opinions on my college decisions, not for others to say that im lying about what i do

BC calc was a 5, stats was a 5, but i got a 4 on phys 1, 2, and chem which im worried about

I don’t think you are lying. But I think you are over the top with these AP and DE courses. But if it works for you, that’s what matters. You spent all of your summers taking classes. Never had a job or did anything else?

For many schools, it won’t matter, but no community service?

Like I said earlier I think you will have acceptances in addition to the one you currently have. But your reaches really are not predictable easily because of their low acceptance rates.

But good luck to you!

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community service is my free sat tutoring program estbalisehd in school and a lot of it is outside my 10 ec’s as i dont find them relevant enough. 11th - 12th summer I took the first part of ap research and one DE class while also at a summer program at UF SSTP. 10th summer i was also in india performing at concerts for the instrument i play in religious shrines

4s are great, I do not want to imply that they aren’t, but I agree somewhat that for the ivy/top-10s on your list, it is a mild concern due to the fact that the majority of unhooked kids who get admitted to these types of schools for Engineering or serious Stem will have the 5s. However: many will not have some of your math /competition accolades! Curious, how many Unhooked students per year matriculate to ivy/top10s, for the recent couple of years? If your school gets a decent amount in, you have a better chance! Your chances as they are are above -average considering everything, just remember the “average” chance is 3-5% for Engineering at most of your reach schools.

A tip for the essays you likely still have remaining: think about what you do , for fun, that is not classwork, and try to incorporate that into your apps. They want to see the person, not just the student.

a lot of the school feeds to uf or ucf but usually the valedictorian goes to a top school and last year i believe we had like 1 penn, 1 princeton (who got penn), 1 brown (got berkeley and some others), 1 cornell, 1 duke (who got cornell as well), few got accepted to gatech and uiuc and stuff

That is great! Crossing fingers for you. See my tip on essays above. And I do not think you are lying at all! I am rooting for you. Your school sounds very competitive.


I look for depth and impact when I interview. If I sense “spread too thin” and lack of deep understanding of a purported area of interest, then it goes against credibility.

I am not trying to inflate myself but considering sports analytics is a niche field, I believe that I have a lot of “depth” within that considering the opportunities I have received.

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I don’t think taking a lot of classes totally discredits the fact that I have passions and specific interests…


Don’t worry about it. (I know it’s hard to believe anything strangers say on the internet but can you trust me on this? You can actually check out my trust level on this website so you can see I’mnot saying “don’tworry about it” lightly :wink:.)
Your school is necessarily a known quantity and adcoms will know what they’re seeing.
As I said, law of diminishing returns applies but you’ll make 1st cut and your ECs, from specific music to sports analytics, will be differentiators. No one can predict whether that will be enough at sub 20% colleges but you stand a better chance than most.
Now, since so much is unpredictable, you have to make sure you have Honors Apps in if they’re not yet.
I’m willing to bet you’ll get into UF, Purdue, and UIUC, and a few from the rest of the list.


Yes, it was up. I asked the mod to remove it. It wasn’t appropriate.

I wish OP luck and I think they’ll be fine but sports analytics keeps coming up from OP even though he says it’s not dominant - and I’d add Syracuse over many of these.

Best of luck. There will be options - it’s a question if you’re ok with huge or you want smaller, etc.

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