Chance me for 8 schools with 7 yr BS/DDS

<p>Public School of approx. 2000 kids among 4 grades
School sends some grads to top schools (last year we had two Cornells and three UPenns, other than that, nil)
Class rank: top 5%, 13/495
Senior, Class of 2011
Asian American
GPA: unweighted (3.9) weighted out of 6 (5.6)</p>

<p>--Projected Senior Classes--
AP Physics B
AP Statistics
AP Modern Euro
AP Calc
Communications Technology (elective)
Honors Spanish 4</p>

<p>--Standardized Tests--
SAT: 800M 660CR 780W
SAT II: 790 Math II, 690 Bio M, 740 Chem (perhaps taking Bio E and/or US History in Nov. Estimated score is >750)
ACT: Waiting on scores</p>

Bio: 5
US Histroy: 4
Eng. Lang. & Comp: 4
Chem: 4</p>


Varsity Tennis: 3 years
*South Jersey State Champions
*All South Jersey Doubles Team
*State Finalists
*Olympic Conference Champions
Varsity Math Team: 2 years, co-captain 1 year
JV Math Team: 2 years
Science League: 2 years
ChemClub: 2 years
Asian Club: 3 years (President: 2 years, Treasurer: 1 yr)
FBLA: 2 years
Renaissance: 2 years
Spanish Honor Society: 2 years (hopefully president for 1)
Student Council Officer: Sophomore year
Interact: 2 years
Circle of Friends Bowling: 2 years
SADD: 4 years
Smoke Signal(School Newspaper): 2 years (editor 1)
Robotics Team: 2 years
Math Lab: 1 year</p>

<p>-Not School-
A lot of volunteering at a tennis club teaching children for 4 years
Volunteering at School Events
- Volunteering at Hillside elementary school after school daycare
- Volunteering for Circle of Friends, bowling with special ed. Children
- Community Service for Math Lab</p>

<p>Played piano for 4 yrs</p>

<p>-Summer Enrichment-
Worked for an entire summer for friend's parents company doing various tasks such as computer work, filing, cashier, etc.</p>

<p>--Achievements, Honors, Awards--
Multiple Tennis awards
Math Team 2nd place
FBLA Regional Finalist</p>

<p>--Leadership Roles--
Varsity Tennis Team Capitan
Math Team Co-Captain
Asian Club President
(past) Student Council Officer
School Newspaper Editor</p>

<p>I will be applying ED to UPenn</p>

<p>I went to a private school my freshman year and transferred to Lenape sophomore year.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Dentistry: most likely many biology oriented courses
Probably a 7 year BS/DDS combined degree. I have to apply for it and they only accept the top applicants.</p>

<p>List of Colleges I’m Applying to: (most of which have the 7 yr combined degree programs)
University of Pennsylvania
Lehigh University
New York University
Rutgers New Brunswick
Tufts University
Case Western
Boston University</p>

<p>Based on these. Should i write my short response for ec or work experience for tennis or for my summer job?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Write about which one is more meaningful to you.</p>

<p>But they are both extrememly meaninful. Which one would look better if i wrote about it/.</p>

<p>Write about tennis</p>

<p>chances for schools?</p>

<p>Will chance back!</p>