Chance me for 8th Grade Groton Phillips Andover Phillips Exeter

Chance me for 8th Grade Groton Phillips Andover Phillips Exeter

Some information about me is that I’m 12 yrs old in 8th grade because I skipped two grades.
I have decent grades from 6-7 not so much Grade 8
Grade 6 GPA: 3.8
Grade 7 GPA:3.8
Grade 8 GPA:3.4
I had a C in Geometry, but I sent them an updated grade that showed a 96%. I hope that fixes the hiccup.
In terms of Standardized testing. I scored an 85 percent average. Scored in 90th percentile for Math. Scored low in reading 58th percentile and had an 80th percentile Verbal score.

My recommendations from my math teacher I have a bad feeling about. But my LA, third teacher and Personal I think will be good.

Interview: I had a Groton interview, he said if I could push my SSAT score a bit higher “I should expect positive feedback.”(I took the SSAT again waiting for the score.) Phillips Andover was really good and Phillips Exeter was pretty bland.

Ecs: I think my Ecs are the best part of my application. I have been invited to compete in neighboring cities for Robotics. I play chess and won 5th place in my community competition. In Hockey, I have been invited to compete in Dubai three times. Winning MVP of the tournament once, and my team won 2nd place. In the 2nd one, I didn’t win MVP of the tournament but for two games I was MVP of the match. My team was gonna compete in Europe, then COVID just messed up everything. I’ve been playing Piano for 5th months and sent them a video of me playing Fur Elise. I also have been coding with C++ and Python for like 2-3 years. I also do community service and participated in student council 6th grade. I stopped in 6th grade because I didn’t have time. Made my school’s kind of JV soccer team.

Essays: I made one grammar mistake in my Groton essay that I didn’t fix, but other than that I poured my soul, and showed off a bit.

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This should be a separate thread.

I recommend that you do your freshman year, polish up your résumé and grades, and then repeat; entering high school as a 12-year-old or young 13-year-old will be incredibly difficult socially.

Edit: Looks like this was split just as I was typing my post. Mods, please move!


Oh I’m sorry how do you change to a different thread or do you make a new one

I did it for you


I definitely agree with doing 9th grade and working hard for the best grades and a couple ECs you are really interested in, then applying as a repeat 9th grader. You would still be one year ahead, but with more solid footing. I think your chances are greatly hindered by your age and choice of schools, but lots of options and time are ahead of you!


I agree. Skipping grades and boarding school tends to be a poor combination in my experience. It takes a VAST amount of maturity to live away from home. Every child who has skipped thinks they are mature and can handle themselves. Until something happens. Being 2-4 years younger than your classmates is a terrible social set up imo. Remember that at many schools almost 1/3 of the class are repeats already.

That being said repeating 8th at Groton might be an option if you’re admitted. The kids who have done that really loved it from what I know. However, this class is small and heavily favors siblings of current students.

Have some serious discussions with your parents, or a trusted adult, about sex and drugs before you go to BS. you need to be prepared for how you’re going to handle those situations and conversations with your peers. There is an extraordinary amount of freedom at these schools and kids fill that time…


Do you guys think repeating Groton for 8th grade which is what I’m doing would be safer and I have a higher chance of getting? Or should I do 9th grade at my current grade and apply next year. Then repeat 9th grade.

Not really sure. As I said Groton favors siblings for 8th grade and the class is small. If you get in it’s probably a good choice. If you don’t get in then 9th grade at your current school and re-applying to all schools as a 9th grader is another solid option.

I got waitlisted to Groton grade 8. Do you guys know if anybody gets off the waitlist for grade 8 at Groton?

If nobody ever got off the WL, they wouldn’t have one!

But… I would guess that because there are so few BS that a rising 8th grader could choose from that their yield predictions are pretty good for their entering 8th grade class. I would expect less moved for 8th grade than 9th.

All you can do is confirm that you want to be on the WL and that you will attend if they offer you a spot (if that’s true!)

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