Chance me for Andover, Exeter, Harvard-Westlake

Portola is a regular middle school that also contains the Highly Gifted Magnet. It is also contains another magnet for 2E kids as well as some general programs. He would need to specify which magnet. Portola accepts everyone with a HGM designation, regardless of academic achievement. Portola is perceived as the somewhat more gentle option for a HG kid.

WR IHP is an admissions based school and has many HG identified students, particularly high performing ones. It is not the HGM but it specifically serves the highly gifted population. It is also has some students with other identifications and those without any who are new to the district and have none. (Testing is difficult and you must be in the system to get tested.) Not all HG students are admitted to IHP. High grades and top scores on the admissions test are required also.

The Science Academy and a few other middle schools attract HG kids too. Some stay at their home schools.

He needs to specify all the parts to be correct.

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Space Club Founder is outstanding. That needs to be expanded upon particularly if the club was highly successful.

Any chance you could start a non-profit helping inner city South Central kids?

Or, maybe develop a FinTech App that helps disadvantaged people?

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I hope you are making ridiculous suggestions to make a point and not because you actually think that is how kids get into schools.


Agreed, my point was simply that if OP is at Portola HGM, specifying current school as “Portola Highly Gifted Magnet” obviates any need to identify oneself as “highly gifted.” As for Walter Reed, HW admissions at least is very familiar with the kinds of kids coming out of there even if it is not technically HGM… in which case identifying oneself as HGM is beside the point (as it probably is, anyway).

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“ridiculous”? Maybe…but, it’s 2021 and admissions people seem to be looking for unique accomplishments and achievements.


This is the prep school forum, the OP is talking about getting into highschool, not college. No AO I’ve ever met at two of the most prestigious BSs in the country expect that kind of accomplishment from 13/14 year olds.


I’m not sure what a fintech app is, but I actually have developed an application helping peers who have trouble focusing. It’s basically a study timer to help students globally who either have trouble with time management or struggle with ADHD.

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That’s fantastic and exactly what I’m talking about. You used your STEM skill set to help others and solve a societal problem, Congrats!

As an aside, fintech is financial technology (ie an app like Robin Hood that helps democratize stock trading)

Not exactly how I’d characterize what Robin Hood actually does after the way they handled the GME situation…


There is something called “National Norm” of Standardized Test Score, the percentile of National Norm is more meaningful than the statement “99.9th% highly gifted” which can’t be physically measured

Indeed CAASPP is very similar with ISEE, if he got the maximum score (>99%) in each aspect, it will be easy for him to get in Harvard-Westlake; but the challenge is that, it is too hard to get into the upper school

No. CASSP is nothing like the ISEE. They are not remotely similar. They are not even the same universe. CASSP is untimed and weakly correlated to grade level achievement. It is not adaptive like NWEA so it doesn’t even show a range of competence. ISEE is well above grade level norms, very fast paced, and includes math that is accelerated by several levels. IMHO it wants you to show that you are willing to study for it.


As I learned, even it was stated ISEE test is “optional”, but it really does matter in the admission, like you said, there are too many applicants now

Thank you, sir, for the information.

My son’s case, we are applying for the 7th grade, we are still worrying about the admission, even he got all 9s, 99% percentiles for 3 sections in ISEE, no FA, in a competitive sport team (AAA), to us, the chance is just OK

Do you have any idea or information about admission to Harvard-Westlake 7th grade? How hard will it be?
My son’s profile is pretty simple:

  1. ISEE: 9/9/9/9(99%/%99/%97%/%99)
  2. All A’s for 4th/5th/6th grades (first semester)
  3. Math award from school district (Maximumly one student from one school)
  4. No FA
  5. Club-level baseball player

You should start a new thread. Hijacking another user’s chance thread violates ToS, and is considered rude to the OP. Closing.