Chance me for Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, Groton, Milton, Emma Willard, and Concord and advice

Hey, I am applying to boarding school for 2023. I am in grade 8 and applying to grade 9. I attend a private IB school in the Middle East. Applying to Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, Groton, Milton, Emma Willard, and Concord. Chance me.

I go to an IB school and I get mostly 7’s and some 6’s and two 5’s. So I don’t think those grades are good enough.
In grade 6, I attended another school. I got all 4/4
Strongest subject is math
My SSAT is 91% again, not good enough.
My previous schools sent my MAP reports to my school. I got 99 percentile in math, 92 percentile in reading and 98 percentile in language arts, and 98 percentile in science.

tennis and track, not competitively though.
violin and I am in the orchestra
I’ve done some volunteering
I’ve done math comps
Tutoring my younger siblings in math for quite a time now
I did gymnastics for quite a time but I quit after the pandemic. I attended a national event and I got second place overall.
CTY Honors algebra 1 (I got a 92% overall grade)
I got chosen to represent my school’s netball team??

I’ve done the interviews, I think I did pretty well. On average my interviews lasted for 45 minutes. My shortest interview was 25 minutes so that’s a bad sign.
Andover - 9/10
Exeter - 7/10
Hotchkiss - 0/10 (my first interview really messed up there)
Groton - 5/10 (really short)
Milton - 7/10
Concord - not planning to interview as its not required
Emma Willard - interview is next week

Full pay student, another negative, I am a first generation student. Compared to other applicants, my application looks really weak and bad right now.

Feel free to give me some advice.


Hey there! You sound like a great kid and strong applicant. There will always be applicants/peers that on a paper are “stronger” by stats, but schools aren’t admitting numbers but people. Try to re-frame how you are thinking about your grades, extracurriculars in a more positive way. Focus on how well you are doing, the variety of experiences you have, activities you’ve tried, etc. Schools aren’t looking for the perfect applicant who “has it all” they are looking to build a varied student body, so focus on what you add and how you can grow as a person to any given school. Boarding school is about growth and not coming in a perfect, fully formed person!

Good luck and fill up with positive self talk!


I think you’ll get into at least one school. Just be confident during your interview. You have good academic skills and show an open and adventurous personality that does well at boarding schools.

I have a current student at Emma Willard and she has been very happy there.


Things like a 91st percentile SSAT and being Full Pay aren’t going to hurt your application. A 25-minute interview isn’t bad at all. I know someone who got into a GLADCHEMMS school with a 15-minute interview. What happened in the interview matters much more than the length. Your application seems pretty on par with most other applicants. Just make sure that you try to make yourself stand out and show your values through your essays. Since these schools are so competitive you can’t guarantee acceptance to any of them, so make sure that if you want to go to boarding school, apply to 1 or 2 safeties.

Edit: I meant to respond to the OP

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I’m confused by your first gen comment. Do you mean you will be the first in your family to attend college? Schools love that. Or do you mean no one in your family has gone to boarding school?

Your ssat scores are fine. Especially if English is not your first language. Your grades are your weak point - will your recommendations be outstanding?

If your essays paint a picture about who you are and why you want to come to the US for highschool I think you have a shot at getting in.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

You seem like a great kid who could add a lot to a school!
Your biggest hurdle if you ask me is how you talk about yourself. Lots of “aww shucks I’m not good enough” in your post. If any of that “I’m probably not going to succeed” energy gets into your essays or interviews, it’s not going to help you at all. It’s really important to learn how to own your strengths without being braggy. Sometimes kids go too far the other way, thinking it makes them seem humble. It does not.
You have a lot to offer! Lean into that and practice talking about your strengths in a way that feels natural and affirming. :).
Cheering you on from afar!!


Yes, both my parents never went to uni. May I ask, why do schools like first gen students? My math teacher really likes me, my English teacher will probably say something about me being too quiet. My principal reccs will be good, me and my principal have a really good relationship. I also asked my tennis coach to write me a recommendation.

Thank you so much! I guess it’s my imposter syndrome kicking in. Let’s hope for the best :crossed_fingers:. For the interviews, I acted really bubbly for no reason lol. I think I was a bit too excited.

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Ok. Thank you for your advice. I think that I’m going to apply to Dana Hall school as a safety.


Highschools like it because it makes them look good and because colleges love it. It is one of the “institutional priorities” many top colleges have. On your college application you will be asked if you’re a first gen, a yes gives your app a boost as colleges are looking for that kind of diversity.

I’m sure people will start a debate about just exactly how advantageous it is to be first gen. Who cares, for you the biggest take away is that it certainly isn’t going to hurt your chances.

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I am trying to be positive, if you only focus on the top BS, you might not get the result you want. Every applicant is different, case by case, you might have fine chances.

Full pay or FA does make big difference to any school, you are in different applicants pool, but nobody will know how deterministic it is, it depends on your individual case. I knew some very “weak” cases got admitted with FA to one of the school you listed.

Highlight one or two of your activities which show your potentials, strengths or passions.

Good luck.

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