<p>Hey everyone I'm just curious about my chances of getting accepted into the above UCs. My test scores for the SAT I and SAT IIs are:</p>
<p>SAT 1:</p>
<p>Writing 620
Crit Reading 630
Math 570</p>
<p>Total 1820</p>
Chemistry: 660
Biology 630
Literature: Pending</p>
<p>I also take the IB diploma and I'm averaging a 33 at the moment with the following grade ranges:</p>
<p>Biology HL: 6-7
Chemistry HL: 5-6
History HL: 6
Math SL: 5
English SL A1: 6
Italian AB initio: 5</p>
<p>These grades can vary. I've also taken the IGCSEs and I received the following grades:</p>
<p>Chemistry A*
Biology A*
English Literature A*
History A
English Language A
Geography A
Physics A
Math B
Physics B</p>
<p>As for my 9th and 10th grade gpa, those are my low points. For 9th I had 2.71 and for 10th I had 2.87 (excluding the IGCSEs). As for extracurriculars of noteworthy mention:</p>
<p>THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) x2 in 10th and 11th grade
GIN (Global Issues Network) Conference (53 schools attended) 11th grade
Two Inter-regional Global Issues Debates
Created and Maintaining two online study groups (Facebook) for Chemistry and Biology
Publication in a magazine for Third Culture Kids
National Honors Society</p>
<p>Do I have any chance for a UC? I know my gpa for 9th and 10th are horrendous (especially for this site), but I hope I still have a shot at any UC.</p>
<p>All University of California campuses calculate your GPA on the basis of your 10th and 11th grade grades. Your 10th grade GPA was below 3.0 and unless your 11’th grade GPA was high enough for a total GPA of 3.0 or higher you would not be eligible for admission to a UC. Your SAT scores are competitive for all UCs except UC Berkeley, UCLA and possibly UCSD. I realize it may not be possible at this point, but if you could get a UC GPA of 3.7 or better you would have a good shot at UCSB, UC Davis and UC Irvine, at 3.5 you could probably get into UC Santa Cruz. If your GPA is about 3.1 you would still have a good chance of acceptance at UC Riverside and if you can get to 3.0 you would certainly be in at UC Merced.</p>
<p>sorry im intruding ur post but can someone rate me?
im from massachusetts and my gpa is a 3.78
the ap classes im currently taking are
ap language and comp im getting a b+
ap psychology im getting a b+
ap physics im gettin a b
ap calc ab im getting a b
ap spanish im getting a b-</p>
<p>my ecs are
environmental club 3 yrs
spanish nhs
students against destructive decisions 2 yrs
best buddies 1 yr
my high school news club 1 yr
photo club 1 yr
student committee 1yr
i got a 4 on both my ap stats and history exams</p>
<p>do u know if i might get a lot of financial aid?
my parents make about 75000 a yr for a family of five</p>
<p>oh and my first sat scores were
writing : 670
critical reading: 630
math: 630
total: 1930
second tiime
writing: 590
reading: 670
total: 1920
best combo: 2000</p>
<p>^kyocatjacko…only turn in your act for the UC’s…they only take your best score from one sitting. (a 1930 is between a 28-29 act) davis,la, and SD are reaches. Davis, SB, Irvine are matches (but im not sure for out of state). In at Santa Cruz, Riverside, Merced. not sure about financial aid but im pretty sure uc schools dont give out that much (just an assumption though).</p>
<p>Idfire10035… numbers wise: the averages (vary slightly) for davis, sb, and irvine is a 3.9-4.0 UC gpa and an 1870-1880 sat score</p>
<p>I think you’ll get into UC Riverside. I personally know someone with a similar GPA and about the same extracurriculars who got into Riverside, and I think her SATs were lower than yours. I also know someone about the same who got into UC Irvine too, so try applying to those. I often hear people say they are their safety schools.</p>