Chance me for Berkeley and LA please!

Stats: 3.89 UC weighted / capped (only 2 AP’s taken-- school policy)
SAT: 1440
I realize my stats are pretty mediocre for Berkeley and LA

Violin - 4 yrs (2 yrs school orchestra / violin choir)
Home for the disabled - 4 yrs (4 yrs volunteer of the year / 2 yrs student volunteer coordinator)
Tutoring - 2 yrs (stats/physci/geometry)
Assistant Coach for EMS sports - 3 yrs
Hospital Volunteer - 3 yrs
Reading buddy - 4 yrs
Score keeper for sports - 4 yrs
Student Store Manager/Cashier - 4 yrs
4 yrs secretary - 3 yrs class / 1 yr school
Basketball Manager - 3 yrs Varsity / 1 yr JV

Thanks a bunch for your time!

Within range SAT scores, good EC’s but below UC GPA. Very tough admit since UC’s are very GPA focused. What is your UW UC GPA?
Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Make sure you apply widely to the UC System.

Thanks for the honest reply, @Gumbymom ! However, it is not possible for any Senior from our school to graduate with a around a 4.15+ due to the limitations on our AP’s. Would the UC’s take this into account?

Yes, the UC’s will take that into account.

yeah, theoretically, UCs know the AP count at every CA HS so, it shouldn’t penalize you.

I think you are a strong candidate for UCM, UCR and UCSC. The other are going to be a reach.
Good luck