Hi all! Please chance me for BC admission through EA.
GPA: 3.9 (UW); 6.7/7 (W)
SAT: 1340
SAT Essay: 18
Rank: my school only ranks top 10; I am top 10% out of around 350
Ethnicity: African American/North African
Intended study: pre-dental/bio
AP courses: AP Gov, APUSH, AP Human Geo, AP Bio, AP English Lang, AP Physics I, AP Psychology, AP/UCONN statistics, ECE World Religion. (My school has about 20ish APs; a top student normally takes just under my amount of APs taken
-did research on prostate cancer at yale med school for almost a yr (soon to be a published author in a journal)
-did research on plants at yale university
-pres/founder of red cross club
-secretary of NHS
-secretary of debate team
-head id advising of health professions club
-member of math team
-captain of church basketball team
-church event coordinator for the region of new england/church servant
Background: born and raised in cairo, Egypt. Immigrated at the age of 9 fleeing religious persecution. My college essay is about that experience and i tied it with my interactions with patients at a hospital to show my humanitarian side
Letters of rec: pretty solid; they both said how good of a student and person i am and used examples.
Areas of strength: background, essays, extracurriculars
Areas of weakness: SAT, GPA (?), not taking ca
Oh, and I also have a leadership position at the hospital I have volunteered at.
You have a very strong chance. I’d be incredibly surprised if you don’t get into BC (or for that matter some even more selective colleges). Your soft factors do a lot to mitigate your lack of Calc and your lower than average (for BC) SAT. You’re a compelling candidate! Good work!
That said, have you considered giving the SAT one more go? If you can get it into the 1400s, or for that matter even the upper 1300s, you will come closer to a lock for BC and even for Ivies+. If that isn’t an option, you’re still looking very strong. Good luck!!!
Congrats on your success. You are strong candidate overall and as an under represented minority you have a statistical advantage. It’s a great school and the students are very open and warm.
Thanks so much everyone! I unfortunately can’t take the SAT again. Few more questions:
-do you think I should apply EA or RD?
-Am I still competitive despite being compared to those who have much better grades and SATs?
-Also, can someone proofread my college essay please? I need some more opinions. Thanks:)
Yes. You are very competitive but all highly selective schools are difficult to handicap for any one student without the benefit of the whole package and school internal insights.
I would ea as it is no longer restrictive. But due very soon.
Not sure on the proofreading. But I would trust your instincts. Perhaps you have a good relationship with a English teacher to read through it for you.
A little update: I got in with four year housing!! thanks everyone