Chance me for Brown, Pomona, Vassar, Bowdoin? Please!

<p>Hispanic male, Chicago, low income. </p>

<p>High school: very competitive public school </p>

<p>GPA: 3.81 UW, 4.8 W (Upwards curve 4.0 for sophomore and junior year)
ACT: 29 (Yeah I know kinda low but i'm so over it)
Rigor: AP Euro (4), AP Lang (4), AP US GOV, AP Enviro, AP Stats, AP Chinese and the rest all honors classes in HS </p>

<p>Intended major: Environmental Science/Studies<br>
Essays: Good common app essay. Wrote about diving/hovering in mid water.
LOR: Excellent. </p>

President/Founder of Book Club
President of National Chinese Honors Society
VP of Acappella group
Marine Biology internship at Shedd Aquarium during school year
Environmental service trip to Hawaii
Enviro research trip to Belize
Student life editor School news paper
Environmental summer institute in New Mexico
Garden designer at Shedd Aquarium </p>

<p>Scholarship recipient for 2 academic scholarships, Presidential service awards, honor roll awards. </p>

<p>Thanks so much! </p>

<p>anyone please?</p>

<p>That ACT score is kinda low…If I were you, I’d study my butt off and retake it in December.
Its not impossible with a 29, but I’d say high reach on all.</p>

<p>But ACT isn’t everything. Is everything else strong? Anyone else? </p>

<p>I think you may stand a chance at Vassar. If you don’t submit at Bowdoin you might stand a chance there. Te difficulty is that your AP scores, while good, don’t completely outweigh your ACT. If you had a series of 5s, a lower ACT might not make as much a difference. Pomona will just be tough. It’s not test optional and their averages are high ivy equivalent. Brown is possible if your essay and manner of self expression are compelling. For that matter, Vassar too. I say don’t submit that score to Bowdoin and write a kickass essay and hope for the best. All of these are reach schools for almost anyone, so have some safeties you’d like to attend and maybe you’ll win the admissions lottery at one of these places. </p>