Chance Me for BS

Hi, currently a 7th grader in Korea, looking to apply for BS in the US.

I used to attend an international school for 4 years from the second semester of 3rd grade to the first semester of the 7th grade.

My GPA throughout my middle school years were 4.0/4.0 (My school didn’t have A+) Apparently a ‘gifted’ student


  • Was in a school play
    -Student Council member
    -NJHS member
    -School Choir member
    -Math Olympiad w/ International Schools in/near my city (twice)

+) took Algebra 1 in 7th grade & the area I live in is probably underrepresented, plans to take SSAT soon. Oh, I also need FA

Which schools will I be able to get into?

Apply to a variety of schools. Apply to some reaches like Exeter, Andover, etc if you want, but make sure you apply to some higher-admit schools like Cushing, Pomfret, NMH, etc. They are such wonderful schools as well.

South Korea is not underrepresented. No matter what part you’re from.

Thanks! I was thinking that I wouldn’t get into the top-tier schools since their admission rate is super low. I will definately try to apply as reach schools and research about schools that have a higher admission rate.

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Yeah! Check out the hidden gems thread. There are a ton of amazing schools on here!

FA is very rare for international applicants. Make sure you check with the schools you interested in.

How much FA do you need?

Ok. Thanks!

At least half.

Very few schools give FA to international students and the pool is hyper competitive. There are many highly qualified South Korean as well as Korean-American applicants. You need to very carefully select schools and apply broadly.

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Ok. Thanks, will do!