<p>UW GPA 3.8
Upward trend i.e. Fr: 3.6 Soph: 3.7 Junior: 4.0</p>
<p>URM, African American</p>
<p>I've taken all of the advance classes available to me.
EVERY SINGLE ONE. except for like acc spanish..because i take french...</p>
<p>Fr: Honors English/Honors World Studies/ I also started French 2 as a freshman if that counts as rigor?
Soph: Honors English/AP European History/Advanced College Credit French 3
Junior: Advanced College Credit US History/Advanced College Credit French 4</p>
<p>Next years course load
ACC Lit and Composition
AP Bio
AP Stats
AP Calc
ACC French 5 (Only student)
Economics/American Film Studies </p>
<p>ACT: 30</p>
<p>My recommendations will be flawless btw.
To give some sort of reference, i was in my guidance counselor's office and she told me she thought that my high school had won the lottery by getting to have me as a student. </p>
<p>My essay is about being raised by lesbians and how it's affected me in my acceptance of my family and of myself. </p>
<p>Extra curriculars:
Tennis 4 years (JV for 2, Varsity for 2)
French Club 4 years (Club President next year)
JSA (2 years)
Youth in Government (2 years)
Sophomore Class Council Representative
Senior Class Treasurer
Drama Club/Plays (4 years)
Scholar Bowl Varsity Team (2 years)
Model UN Club President</p>
<p>*some ECs end at 2 years because i transferred schools between sophomore and junior year so it's not quite as scattered as it seems. my new school didn't have the ECs my old school did. </p>
<p>200 + Volunteer hours at a pediatric hospital and a regular hospital</p>
<p>I'm 96% sure i'm applying ED to Brown if that helps. </p>
<p>I am not an expert in this chance game but you seem like you have a very good shot. I would guess Brown would like to have you as a student. </p>
<p>BUMPPP. i’ll chance you back!!</p>
<p>You will probably get into at least one</p>
<p>i mean that’s not really that helpful but thanks…</p>
<p>I think you have a lot going for you. The only possible weakness that I see could be ACT scores. I thin if you can bring it up to a 32+, you would have a great chance for Brown.</p>
<p>Your class rigor is very impressive. A job well done! But from what I’ve learned on here about Northwestern is that they are looking for a lot higher test scores. You ideally wanna get around 33-34 on the ACT to get into Northwestern. For UPenn, id say you have a good chance. I know someone with 2 APs and a 2020 on the SAT who got in. Id say you have a fighting chance for all of them. I recommend getting some safety schools in there, but aside from that, you seem pretty solid. Hope I helped!</p>
<p>Your extracurriculars are good and I think you would have a very good chance. But as others have said, if you could bring up your test scores a bit, your chances would be even better
if possible, you can try taking the SAT, some people score better on one than the other</p>
<p>I got waitlisted from Penn with as 2330 (equiv of 35 ACT) so you can’t count on any selective school. Ever. </p>
<p>@marilo12 I think something you can take away from this is that test scores, once past a certain point, are not indicative of acceptance. @bodangles got an extremely high school and did not get in, while a friend of mine with a 33 (still high enough) did. It is about so much more. Still, bodangles is right in implying that you should get your scores up.</p>
<p>@noel597 i doubt i can get it up much more. I was one point away from a 31 (i got a 30.25
)i can maybe get a 32 if i can raise my math score substantially
I got a 35 on the English, 33 on the reading, 27 on Math and 26 on Science
Science is super difficult for me so i don’t think i can get much higher on that and at this point, reading is really up to chance and variation within the test. </p>
<p>@mr4398 i got a 1710 on the SAT so i’m definitely sticking with the ACT hahah</p>
<p>@marilo12 I totally know what you mean. I got REALLY lucky, I think, in getting a good score on the science. As long as your English and Reading are high (and you want to major in something related), you’ll be fine. </p>
<p>UPenn is as competitive, if not MORE competitive than Northwestern. </p>
<p>@thumper1 that’s true if you’re only comparing acceptance rates and ACT middle 50s
the acceptance rate is also lower at penn because of the number of applicants
BUT NW is more numbers focused than Penn from what i’ve gathered </p>
<p>That’s pretty true, UPenn is less number focused than NW.
You have a lot going for you, especially with respect to diversity and your parentage. It boils down to how you present yourself in your essays
assuming they come out well and reflect your passion, I’d say you’re in for Penn.
Also depends on what you’re applying for - Wharton is waaaaay more competitive than Penn CAS. </p>
<p>@toodleoomi yeah i’m applying to CAS for int. relations so that’s good </p>