Chance me for Carnegie Mellon please!


<p>My school is pretty tough. I'll have taken 4 AP tests by the end of my current senior year; 2 last year and 2 this year. I got a 3 on AP Chem and a 4 on AP English Composition.</p>

<p>SAT: 700 Math, 600 Reading, 620 Writing... I just took it last Saturday and hopefully I jumped to over a 2000</p>

<p>I'm taking the math SAT Subject tests if necessary... but I plan on doing ED if it helps so maybe not</p>

<p>No ACT score, I take it October 22</p>

<p>Not many EC's but I can explain that. To support my family I've had to run my dad's business. He's getting too old and weak, and the rest of my siblings are off at college. I work there after school everyday from 4 - 10 and on Saturdays from 10 - 10. I've had to completely give up my social life because of this. I never go out anymore, I'm always working. And I don't get paid for any of it either. I manage the store - I even hire and fire employees. I'm only 17 now. We make about 600k revenue but less than 100k profit.</p>

<p>This huge task of working so much (close to 25 hours a week) also explains my gpa not being up to par. It's gone up though. I had a 3.5W freshman year, a 3.5W sophomore year; I was immature both years and didn't try in school. I tried last year with two honors classes and AP chem and I got a 4.0W and this year I plan to get above a 4.0 gpa. So, in other words, there is an upwards correlation. I'm steadily getting better. I matured junior year with the increased work/school load.</p>

<p>I played rugby freshman and sophomore year; I'm doing mock trial and entrepreneurship this year.
Should I apply ED, or wait until after 1st semester where my gpa will hopefully rise to a 3.9W (I plan to get straight A's this semester)? How much does ED help?</p>


<p>Freshman courses were:
honors bio
honors algebra 2
honors english 1
latin </p>

<p>sophomore courses:
honors latin 2 first semester then regular 2nd (will this count against me?)
honors chemistry
honors geometry
honors english 2
art classes

<p>junior courses:
honors pre calc
honors english 3
AP Chem (I got a 3)
latin 3
also i got a 4 on the AP English Language and Composition (I took it without taking a course for it)</p>

<p>senior courses:
AP calculus BC
AP English Lit.
history (economics 2nd semester)
I plan to ace all of these..although I'm not sure how much that will matter</p>

<p>Obviously, be honest. I live in northern Ohio, Cleveland area. CMU is like a 2 hour drive from here, which is awesome. My parents don't want me going far, so getting into a prestigious school that is close would be a dream come true. Thanks!</p>

<p>CMU requires 2 SATII tests for most of its colleges.
[Admission</a> > Academic Requirements](<a href=“Home - Computing Services - Office of the CIO - Carnegie Mellon University”>Home - Computing Services - Office of the CIO - Carnegie Mellon University)</p>

<p>Your GPA and SAT are on the low side, but the good news is that you have an upwards trend and CMU doesn’t really look at freshman grades. Do you have any hooks (URM, first gen, etc.)?</p>

<p>Would ED help me? Or should i schedule a couple of sat subject tests and apply rd? And im first generation. my parents are both immigrants from lebanon. my dad doesnt even speak english, only arabic haha. my mom told me to put hispanic on my application as well, so i guess i have that going. but my older brother said that shes wrong and we have no hispanic in us; her grandpa was born in puerto rico… hes a puerto rican lebanese. im not even sure if that counts but if it does and it would give me a hook, ill gladly do it.</p>

<p>First generation to attend college + URM (probably should verify your status) = good hooks</p>

<p>Unless you are applying to CFA, you’re going to have to take 2 SAT IIs as indicated by the link I posted. However, different colleges in CMU require different tests. If you didn’t fulfill their SAT II requirements yet, SIGN UP NOW TO TAKE THE NOVEMBER SUBJECT TESTS (though I don’t know if they’ll make it in time for RD…you’ll have to check and hope that they do since you’re a senior). I also suggest that you find some other colleges since CMU will most definitely be in the “reach” range for you. Look into safeties and matches that you may be interested in.</p>

<p>For most schools, the latest SAT that you can take in time for EA or ED is October, so if you’re planning on applying ED, your SAT II’s scores won’t be in (unless CMU is an exception). Being a first generation and spending so much time on a business will give you a great hook and helps to explain a slightly below average GPA for CMU. I think you should applying regular decision and work hard this semester to bring up your GPA a bit more (continuing your upward trend) and do well on the SAT II’s. </p>

<p>Also if you’re looking for a prestigious school in the Cleveland area, I would suggest applying to Case Western. It might not be at the same level of CMU but is nonetheless an excellent school.</p>

<p>Write a GREAT essay and I think you have a real chance! Sorry to hear about your work situation. Good luck!</p>

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