<p>(sorry, accidentally posted twice)
Hello all,
I’m really interested in engineering, and I just want to have a rough estimate at my chances at some really good engineering schools out there, particularly ED at hmc.</p>
<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Korean
Intended Major: Really any type of engineering, no particular type
Rank: I go to a very competitive private school, but my school does not rank</p>
<p>SAT: 2250, Took it again in october and waiting for results(760 math, 690 CR, 800 writing 11 essay)
GPA: 3.99 weighted (I went from a 3.8 in freshman year to a 4.35 last semester of junior year, I was hoping this continuous upward curve could help compensate for lower grades in freshman/sophomore year?) unweighted : 3.6 3.7 ish? Not sure
Subject Tests: 770 math II, 760 Physics, 800 Chinese
AP tests: 5 APUSH 5 AP PhysB 5 AP lang 5 AP Mandarin
Currently taking ap physics c, ap calculus ab, ap econ, ap compsci, and all other course are honors
Im doing pretty well in my classes this year even though the classes are harder, im pretty sure I can maintain the continuous upward grades (at least I don’t think ill be sloping downwards)</p>
<p>Extra currics:
- varsity badminton for 3 years, did community service where I helped coach local kids badminton.
-Played bass in the best band on our school for 3 years, but I couldn’t take it senior year due to schedule problems
-Spend lots of time making personal robotic projects (both at home and sometimes in class), I run a blog where these projects are posted (although the blog isn’t very popular, I liked to keep a record of projects I make)
-Internships over the summer at reputed company
-Taught English to English as second year students (part of club that meets once every week), participated for 4 years of highschool
-50 hrs of volunteer service at hospital</p>