Chance me for CAS? Low GPA but good SATs and ECs?

<p>Ok, this won't be such a great manifesto, but here goes:</p>

<p>Intended major: Political Science (CAS)</p>

<p>If it matters at all i'm an Indonesian-American. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.42 UW. School doesn't weight, but if I had to estimate my weighted GPA it would probably be around the 3.7-3.8 weighted range.
SAT: 1600/2350
SAT IIs- World History: 800, Math 2: 710
AP: Psych, Art History, English Lang and Comp, Comp Sci, World History, US History- All 5s, (self studied Psych and World History) </p>

<p>I worked hard on my personal statements, my AP English Lang teacher liked it, as did my AP English Lit teacher, and my Honors Chem teacher (who has an MFA in Literature). </p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Physics C
AP English Lit
AP Stats
AP Gov
Spanish 3</p>

<p>ECs and Achievements:</p>

<p>Captain of Quiz Bowl Team (team went to the NAQT nationals last year in Chicago, won't tell you where we placed but I will say that we placed in the top 30)</p>

<p>Captain of Varsity Golf (I set several records at 4 different courses, but nothing special)</p>

<p>Science Olympiad team member</p>

<p>Ocean Science Bowl team member</p>

<p>Member of the Senior Men and Women (it's basically an honor society for the seniors) </p>

<p>Constitution Team co-captain</p>

<p>I volunteer at a nonprofit for veterans of the Iraq War, approx. 300 hours</p>

<p>That’s not a bad GPA. It’s competitive. You’re fine.</p>

<p>How about the other way around???
I live in pakistan…so i have A levels…and i converted it to GPA and it was like 3.8ish
But my SAT Sucks so bad
1880 SAT I
1110 SAT II
I gave the SAT I again in some hope…but now im not so hopeful…and the fact that NYU made the SAT optional is pretty cool… but i dont know… my school grades kick asss…but my SAT scores not so much… I applied to CAS Undecided… What does that say about my chance?
My essays were very good… and glowing recommendations…
and dramatics((school annual play), volunteer work( teaching orphans), and two nation wide business competitions …
What would that say about me?
Chance me…but be polite… its my dream school =P</p>



<p>Kind of rude to hijack a thread like that. Make a new one if you want to be chanced.</p>

<p>Bothwings, is that 3.42 GPA counting ALL your classes?</p>

<p>Yep, freshman year till junior year.</p>

<p>I meant if it includes all types of classes you’ve taken - meaning all your “core” academic courses PLUS gym/physical education and electives. </p>

<p>NYU supposedly only considers your “core” classes, no gym and electives that aren’t academic in nature.</p>

<p>o…kay… I’m sorry… i guess… i didn’t mean to be rude.</p>

<p>Yes, that includes all the classes i’ve taken. Sadly, the two failing grades in the first semester of my sophomore year that killed my GPA were both core classes.</p>

I got in with a 3.4uw, 3.8w, 2130</p>

<p>you’re 100% in</p>

<p>yeah i dont think you have anything to worry about either, as long as the rest of your app matches up</p>

<p>Those SATs should get you in, no problem.</p>

Behn ka rishta deyna hay??? PLEASE!!!</p>

Behn ka rishta deyna hay??? PLEASE!!!</p>



<p>Uhh sorry but I don’t speak Urdu or whatever I think that is.</p>