Chance me for class of 2020? Please :)

I am currently a junior in high school and am ranked 151/891 with a 3.78 gpa, and I have an SAT score of a 1570 with an ACT score of a 23, I don’t fall under the academic admission because my math and reading scores are not currently high enough.

I also have taken many AP and pre-ap classes, and have been heavily involved in extracurricular activities all throughout high school.
Yearbook for 3 years, 2 have been as an editor
Key Club for 3 years (volunteering organization) have held an officer position for all 3 years
FFA- for 2 years
I also have a job at a veterinary clinic
I am interested in majoring in either biomedical or animal science.
My schedule for my senior year is

  1. English IV-dual credit
    2.Government-dual credit
    3.Ecomonics-pre AP
    4.Statistics AP
  2. Biology AP
  3. Anatomy pre AP
    7.Vetertinary science lab class

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Given the level of competition we saw this year for holistic review admits, I’d suggest you do whatever it takes to get your scores to the academic admit level – you’re halfway there with your class rank already. Trust me…it will be worth the effort if A&M is your first choice. Good luck!! :slight_smile:

Definitely get those test scores up, those are pretty low. Your rank is fine and you have good extracurriculars.

Just get those scores up.

IF you’re looking at online stats for admits, that includes Blinn Team & gateway stats too. If you’re asking about a full admit, I’d say you will be a true long shot, roughly only 15% of the full admits are review admits & most of those just barely miss one of the two components for academic admit. Anything you can do to raise your scores would be worth your time and effort. Try Khan Academy for free help or seek some tutoring - you need to get much closer to the academic admit scores ( or actually get them!) to give yourself the best opportunity, provided you finish the year strong - you will be in the top 25% so go for it! You can apply and keep updating your test scores until December 1, number of retakes does not count against you- just top score counts. Good luck!

@AGmomx2 , what do you think my chances are for gateway, PSA, etc.?

Gateway is summer probationary admit, lately it seems those are given to qualified students who maybe stumbled once in HS or have extenuating circumstances that they want to see if they can cut it… basically on the fence between full admit and Blinn Team but with special situations. It isn’t a hard rule, but it seems that is what happens, very few students get gateway offered. PSA is offered to what seems like most TX students that apply that meet the minimum standards, so IMO you should be offered that at a minimum. It is tough to get Blinn Team these days as well, that 23 will somewhat haunt you if you don’t put your best effort into raising it.

I believe less than 100 applicants were offered gateway this year.