-GPA Weighted: 5.04 Junior year, 4.76 Sophomore year, 4.61 freshman year
-GPA Unweighted: 3.97
-Class Rank: tied for 2nd out of class of ~550
-SAT score: Taken twice- highest score (not superscored) is 770 CR, 780 Math, 800 Writing (2350 Comp)
-SAT II: US History: 780 (will take math 2 and literature in september or october)
-ACT test score: 35 Science, 34 Reading, 35 Math, 32 Writing
AP Classes
-US History: 5 English Lang:5 Calc AB: 5 AP Human: 4 APES : 4
-211 PSAT NC, maybe a semi-finalist
-National Honors Society
-Will take AP Stat, AP Calc BC, AP Eng, AP Euro, AP Gov, AP Psych (online) and one more AP not yet decided next year
Academic Awards/ Achievements
-2012: 3rd place State HOSA Prepared Speaking
-2013: 2nd Place State HOSA med-law
-1st place in Zoology for science fair written presentation
-Governor’s School
Other Volunteer Work
-Won award at HOSA for having over 175 hours of community service in one year
-~500 hours of community service when graduated
-Volunteered at a charity festival for every year from elementary school until high school sophomore year (moved junior year) and played korean drums
-Started a volunteer system for high school students with a local elementary school during my sophomore year
-Volunteered weekly in a music trio at a local nursing home for three years
-Section leader for chamber orchestra sophmore year
-Regional orchestra 3rd chair sophomore year
Thank you so so much!! 
Also, I’m hoping to get into any of these schools:
UNC Chapel Hill
UC Berkeley
Wake Forest
@cl938803 Wow! Your profile looks great! Stupendously high SAT/ACT scores, a near-perfect GPA and good ECs (although maybe a little more in-school leadership would make it perfect).
As with everyone, Ivy admissions are unpredictable and there is no way to accurately predict your chances. Obviously, you’re a competitive applicant and I encourage you to apply. Best of luck!
Did you pull your list from US News Ranking? What do you want to study?
Lol no I’ve visited most of the colleges on the list! I’m mostly applying to a ton of schools because I don’t know where I’ll be accepted/not be accepted.
Also, I want to study English Literature for my undergrad major!
Cut your list of schools in half.
Okay! Thanks for the advice 
I agree – application fees add up, and the CB charges to send all of the scores.
Long list, and the schools on the list are very different from one another so I would encourage you to pick the ones you like most. Also, definitely add some matches and safeties- but you have a really good profile so be proud of that! Good luck!
More than just the application and CB fees, I don’t think throwing a lot of darts and seeing what you hit is a particularly good strategy. Supplemental essays can be very time consuming. Applicants who target a very broad range of schools can easily come across as unfocused. Applicants who think about what kind of schools may fit their style and personality, and what schools have particular programs or resources of interest, are going to project a very different image.
Thanks @ptkid16 and @renaissancedad for the advice! One of my friends told me to apply to as many colleges as I could just because colleges are becoming (cries) increasingly unpredictable with their acceptances, but I think I should probably narrow my list especially considering the difficulty of my course load this year and add some more matches/safeties. Are there any schools that either of you would suggest that might be a good safety or match? Thank you for the advice!!