Chance me for CS major at University of Illinois at Chicago.

hey guys,

I am a senior who will be applying to colleges soon. Right now my GPA is 3.86 weighted(took mostly mid-level difficulty classes) with one AP class till now. In my senior year I would be taking 4 AP’s (hope that helps for the lack of AP’s in my junior year). My ACT right now is 26 but hopefully I would be able to get a 30 or 31 before I apply for colleges. I don’t many EC’s, but I have 50 plus hours at volunteering and 10 leadership hours. How good are my chances at making into CS at UIC?

P.S. I came to USA at the beginning of my sophomore year of highschool from India. Due to this, I couldn’t do a whole lot of EC’s as I needed time getting adjusted to the education system and the life here.