Nationality: Indian
G. P. A: My school doesn’t give GPA but the percentage is 92-94% (Class rank is 2 in 256)
SAT:1490 (E-700 M-790)
ACT: Taking it on 28 Oct. (expecting 34-36)
APs:Physics 1-5 Calculus BC-5 Physics C-5 Microeconomics _5 taking 4 APs this year.
Subject tests: Math 800 Physics 800 Chemistry 800
Extra-curriculars:Run my own organisation that uses funds from recycling to promote sustainable development goals. Raised almost INR 20000 as of now. Donated approximately 3500-4000 books and about 1000 sanitary pads. President of School eco club and quiz club. Vice-president (and Co-Founder) of another organization that plants forests using a scientific manner. Raised about INR 350000. Planted approximately 25000 trees Organised the largest plantation in the history of my city. Wrote a research paper on environmental and financial effects of the plastic ban in my state. Made an App that tracks your carbon footprint. Head boy. Interned at stock firm and also made INR 600000 on the stock market. Also interned at a training institute where I taught Python. Eco club. ICT Club. Conducted multiple quizzes in school.
Awards- AP scholar with honor, mythological quiz god medallist, IT Quiz second prize(school)
What is your first and second preference for a major at UIUC? CS/Engineering is highly competitive for OOS and international students. You definitely have a high chance of EA acceptance, with your strong GPA and test scores.
Cs and physics
For CS, I would say a definite maybe. It’s very competitive and they defer or reject a lot of extremely well qualified applicants. Be sure to have some solid target and safety schools if CS is your preferred major. You could then list Physics as your 2nd choice major, of course.
I would guess that you have a very good chance to get EA into LAS Physics as these stats are above the middle 50 percent for admitted freshman ( ). Engineering Physics is also a good chance for EA. The AP and SAT2 results aren’t officially considered, but they could be listed on the application in the achievements section if you wish to do so.